Leaving Today

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I'm leaving today.

"It's time," you say.

Inside, my lungs contract at the thought of leaving the only home I've ever known.

"Am I ready for this?" I ask myself.

I receive an echo for an answer,

and I feel that hiding away is easier than facing what I have to do.

Forgotten picture frames hang against the wall,

and I find myself reminiscing the times that I have lost.

I can never return to this stage of my life,

and with that thought I feel my youthfulness fade away.

It is time to grow up.

To face to world that I have feared for so long.

It seems incredulous that we are forced to leave our homes when we are no longer needed.

Just like the birds,

I am pushed from my nest,

and expected to fly.

What if I have a broken wing?

Or if I don't remember how to survive?

"You will figure it out," they say,

and push me on my way.

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