By the time I walked down the stairs, John was wearing a creepy BDSM harness and leather pants. "Oh, boo," he sighed. "You look like a creep."

"What in the fuck are you wearing?!" I sputtered. "You look like you're about to do some intricate rock climbing."

John groaned and gestured for me to follow him out the door. "Whatever, Adam. We're going to a club, okay? You're way too uptight and I worry about you. It's time for you to let loose."

I gritted my teeth and followed him, although I had no clue why I did.

I hated BDSM more than anything else in the entire world. Honestly, my divorce with Aidan could be traced back to BDSM.

I swallowed hard, thinking about all the insecurities I'd felt when I had been dating Aidan. We'd started dating in our very early twenties, right when he'd discovered a club that interested him. I had felt so awkward and out of place, but Aidan had fallen in love.

Despite getting married within the year, I remembered feeling so distant from him. He made friends at the club and would socialize there, while I opted to stay home.

I had been convinced that he was either cheating on me or wishing he was. I wasn't a sick fuck like John who wanted their throat to be fucked so hard they couldn't breathe. I didn't like the idea of getting my balls electrocuted.

I liked normal sex. What was wrong with that?

But Aidan had always acted the way John was. He'd call me uptight or tell me to live a little. It made for a great mix of resentment and insecurity, and the belief that I'd never be good enough to satisfy him. Which was, of course, super healthy for a budding marriage.

"I'm not going inside," I decided.

John groaned and turned up the volume of his radio.

"I'm serious." Yeah, it was time to put my foot down. "If this is some ridiculous BDSM kinky weirdness, I'm not going inside. I don't know why everyone I know is into this...sinful, disgusting behavior."

John cackled. "Sinful?! Okay. You sound like you're a lot of fun at parties. Just shut the fuck up, Adam, and have a good time. We'll get drunk and have sex in the car after, 'kay?"

"I'm never having sex with you."

Honestly, I was always a second away from having sex with John.

"Bullshit! But whatever, I can't fix your detail," John cackled. "Besides, you were dating Adian fucking Demos. That The greatest fucking Dominant I've ever had in my bed. Ain't no chance that you didn't taste the leather when you were with that man."

"...That was the creepiest fucking expression I've ever heard," I grumbled. "So no, I didn't taste the leather. How can I phrase this in a way you'll understand? Oh, I know. It was a hard limit."

"Poor Aidan," John sighed.

And there was the seething rage and resentment I felt towards my ex. How refreshing. It had been a while since I felt that.

"No," I snapped. "Poor me."

"Again, like I said, clearly fun at parties!" John cackled.

My head was starting to hurt.

"Aren't you banned from that BDSM club anyway?" I asked, remembering psychotic Robert and his parting words to John. I was pretty sure the psycho had slammed John up against a wall and told him to never come to his club ever again.

John snorted and pulled out a cigarette. I gagged as he started smoking out the window. "Sure, but what the fuck ever, am I right? The guy thinks my name is fuckin' Jim. Not a chance he'll recognize me."

My stomach twisted at the thought of setting that man off again. "I'm pretty sure if we piss him off, he'll kill me."

"Nah, we're fine!" John chirped. "Rumor has it, he's been all moony-eyed over a new submissive at the club anyway. They've been all wrapped up in each other, or at least that's what my friend Becca told me."

A shot of anxiety went right through me. Was he talking about Jerry?

"What if I see some students?" I gasped.

"Then you'd be like Aidan Demos, and that guy doesn't seem to give a fuck."

"Oh God," I blurted.

Unfortunately, John rolled up to the back of a building and parked. "Look, we got parking!" John cheered. "That never happens. See, it's early and not even that busy. They won't even be here."

I followed him out of the car reluctantly. "Fine, but you're my DD. I'm getting wasted and you're taking me home, okay? And I'm getting wasted fast."

John waved me off and we approached the side of the building. There was hardly a line and the bouncer didn't seem to give a fuck who we were or if we were legal. He waved us on in and my jaw dropped at how easy it was.

"Um?" I sputtered. "Don't we need to pay?"

"Yeah, once we get inside there's more people," John said, but there was only one person waiting for us. She held a hand out and we passed her the money, but she hardly paid a second glance to see if I was the right amount.

"This is the psycho's club?" I wondered. "The employees suck."

John smirked. "Exactly. Told you I'd get in. Now c'mon, let's find the bar. The club's pretty nice on the inside."

I looked around, boggled at the sights of the club. John was right about it being nice. There was a dance floor, different stages with performances, and an area with tables and booths. The lighting was low and the place was packed.

"See?" he smiled at me. "We're fine."

I couldn't shake the thought that we really weren't going to be fine, but I didn't question John. Part of me did want t get wasted. And if he was offering sex after, who was I to complain? It sounded like a pretty good night, as long as nothing went wrong.

Unfortunately, I was only three drinks in when I got a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around, I was met with light pink hair and a scowl.

"He's not supposed to be here," Finn snapped, sending John a look that was downright ferocious.

Even though I was only three drinks deep, those drinks were strong. I hardly processed what the kid was saying, but it didn't take a lot of brain functioning to process what he was wearing.

He looked like a fucking hottie in his tight booty shorts, hugging an ass that was pure dynamite. His slim waist and abs were absolutely perfect for wrapping your hands around. His nipples were small and perky, just begging to be kissed. And that mouth? He was either wearing lipgloss or his lips were candy.

I fucking hated this kid.

"Oh, fuck off," I blurted. His eyes flashed and it hurt me how attractive he was, even when mad. "You're such a little whiny brat. Let us drink in peace for God's sakes."

Even John looked at me like he was surprised I had balls.

Unfortunately, even though he was pint-sized and had cotton candy hair, the kid had grit. He crossed his arms and smirked. "Okay, fine. Feel free to keep drinking. But just so you know, Master Robert is going to flip out."

And like the pixie he was, he practically poofed out of existence for how quickly he stalked back into the crowd.

"Meh," I muttered, downing another shot. "I'm not worried."

John smirked. "You're so drunk. I love that. I'm willing to bet the brat was bluffing. Wanna dance?"

"Hell yeah."

I took his hand and prepared for a great night, even if I was dancing with a group of freaks.

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