28 - Just say the word

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While Rachel hugged Mia, Sage whispered to Aidan. "She's beautiful."

He put his arms around her from behind and pulled her into him. "You're beautiful."

Sage felt a warmth in the pit of her stomach spread through her body. Maybe electric shocks shorted out and the want she felt with Aidan was more real. She wouldn't know unless she kissed him, but she didn't want to give him the wrong idea, although they were dating for the weekend.

Mia unzipped her bag and took out a container. "I brought Aidan's favorites."

"I knew there was a reason I agreed to let you come," Aidan said over her head.

Mia saw them standing together. "You two are so cute! Auntie Rachel, are they always this cute?"

Rachel laughed and Sage held her breath. "There is something special about those two." Sage saw her winked.

Sage couldn't wait a minute longer. "I'm starving."

Aidan whispered, "I tried to stop you last night. You said you wanted to be hungover or drunk to meet my sister. You don't look either. You look happier than you've been since you came back."

"Can we not talk about my trip?"

He tightened his hold. "For now, but I know something happened and I care too much not to be concerned."

"I know you do."

Mia said, "Okay, you two you have an audience. Let's do the Big Apple."

They left the building and Aidan took her hand as they walked up the sidewalk. Sage felt like she was thirteen again when Jon Hayes used to hold her hand. Aidan's touch glowed within her. It was not a combustion, but it made her feel warm. She felt like her mother with her hot flashes.

Aidan led them to a small storefront restaurant. Sage had never been there, but the smell of bacon almost made her cry. When she ordered a loaded omelet with bacon and home fries on the side, Mia's mouth opened slightly.

Aidan put his arm around Sage. "Someone did shots last night."

"Poor thing. I remember going to brunch at the dining hall after a night out. One of two things was always going to happen."

"Don't say it!" Sage groaned.

"You'll be fine. Even if I had to carry you to bed."

Sage hung her head and let Mia defend her. "Aidan be nice. Don't tease her like you would me or Bren."

Sage smiled, she liked she could join Mia and gang up on him. "Yeah Aidan. Be nice."

He pinched her waist. She jumped and felt some tingling go through her. "I'm always nice to you, Princess." He whispered so close to her ear his breath tickled and caused more tingles.

Trying to stay calm, she said, "So, Mia why were you sent to check me out and not your sister?"

Mia looked surprised, as if the purpose of her visit was a secret.

"That's easy," Aidan answered. "Being my younger sister, Mia is sweeter. Brenna is the oldest, so she's bossier."

"She'd probably scare you away," Mia added.

"She's only bossy with us, otherwise she's a nice person. Her friends like her."

Aidan had trouble finding negatives in anyone, except one. "I'm sure I'd like her, since I like to boss Aidan around too, right green eyes?"

Aidan had a grin on his face. If she flirted, she had better be able to take it.

"You can boss me any time, Princess." Without warning, his hand was on her cheek and he moved his face towards hers. Her heart was pounding from excitement or fear she wouldn't feel a spark. A fraction from her lips, he said, "Just say the word." Then he pulled back.

She gasped for air not realizing she was holding her breath. There was no doubt she was flush.

"OMG! You two are so cute!"

After they ate, Sage felt better. "Mia was there something you wanted to do?"

She smiled shyly. "Could we go to the Cake Boss's bakery?"

Sage nodded. "We can walk around Times Square like tourists. It'll be fun right, Aid."

He whispered, "Anything is fun with you."

Sage knew he was putting on a show and without thinking of repercussions she moved her head to brush her lips against his. They were soft for the fleeting moment.

Aidan smiled. "Excuse us." He stood and took her hand. He pulled her into the small hallway leading to the restrooms. "Are you playing games with me or putting on a show?"

She didn't have an answer, so she reached up on her tiptoes and brought her mouth to his. He was still for a few seconds just long enough for Sage to worry she had his intentions for her wrong. When his lips moved, he tightened his hold on her. The combination of his lips and his hard body sent warmth through to her fingertips and toes, but it pooled between her legs. To think, she was afraid she wouldn't be physically attracted to him.

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