She walked toward the door and he followed her out onto the sidewalk. He motioned up the street, and they fell into step toward the museum in the opposite direction of his work.

"What do you really think about this money request?"

She stopped on the busy sidewalk, and he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the storefronts. He loosened his grip, but didn't let go. She was conscious of his touch. It wasn't electric like when Geoff touched her. If she really liked him, she'd feel it.

"This dig fascinates me, so if they agree, I want the stipulation that I can go see the dig in action."

"Why would it be a problem?"

She shrugged. Geoff didn't understand why she wanted to go. She wasn't a real princess. She could get dirty.

"Hey." Aidan pulled her into an embrace and she felt the tension leave her body. "What's wrong?"

"I just want this charade to be over. I don't mean I don't want to hang out with you. It's the lying and jealousy."

They began walking again.

"I'm sorry. I made him jealous, but he better be prepared to control it tonight."

"I know. Just behave. Don't tease him. My mother..."

"Will have him seeing red."

"Don't laugh. It's not funny." She tried to suppress a smile.

They were a block from the museum and Aidan stopped walking. He needed to go down to the subway.

"Aid, just help me tonight."

"Anything Princess." He waved and disappeared down the stairs.

He may call her princess, but he was a prince of a guy to put up with her deception.

When they met for the evening, he looked like a prince, in his suit. She suspected it was not the same one he had worn to work.

"You look amazing," he said.

She looked down at her black dress. It was a sheath similar to the green one, but more delicate with lace and beading over her shoulders and collarbone.

"Let's do this." He helped her into her coat. It was spring, but still cold after the sun went down.

Jimmy had a smile on his face, as he flagged down a cab. "Have a nice evening."

"Is he going to be confused when Dr. Sutton is back next week?"

"Disappointed. He likes you better. He lets you in the building to stalk me."

"About that. Have you talked to Marissa lately?"

"No, she's too in love. It's annoying. So Geoff is meeting us." Sage began talking about her fascination with the dig until she said, "Oh, we're here."

Aidan paid the fare and took her hand in his. He opened the restaurant door for her and she didn't pull away, as they entered to find Geoff standing waiting for them.

"Dr. Sutton."

He glared at her and Aidan. Under her breath, she hissed, "Behave. You're part of this mess."

"I see your parents." Aidan waved.

Aidan released her hand and slipped her coat off her shoulders. As they walked to the table, he gently led her with his hand on the small of her back. If Geoff brushed her, she'd feel a jolt. Aidan's hand left behind a feeling like it was still there. She had felt it on her arm long after he ducked into the subway and she started work, and she felt it on her hand and back.

Her father stood to greet them. She received a kiss while Aidan a handshake with a pat on the back.

Geoff received a formal handshake and Aidan kissed her mother's cheek. "Bea, you look lovely. The color suits you."

Her mother was wearing an eggplant dress. She knew enough not to wear the bright colors she favored this early in New York.

"It beats black." Bea winked.

Aidan, the charmer, said, "I'm partial to the black."

Her mother laughed. Sage said, "It's official you like Aidan better than me."

"Darling, what we like is you two together. Now Dr. Sutton, I hear you've been a marvelous resource to Sage with her research."

Sage relaxed as the discussion centered on her work. Aidan rested his arm on the back of her chair and occasionally squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. Geoff had to accept it, but his eyes narrowed each time.

Geoff waited until they removed the dinner plates to pass out the proposal. He didn't bring a copy for Aidan, so Sage offered to share. He talked about the dig, but not the financials although they were on paper.

Dessert arrived and Sage took a few bites of her torte and pushed it to Aidan. She took a forkful of his pie and sat back. Geoff made eye contact and tightened his grip on his coffee cup. She ignored him and took another bite of Aidan's pie.

Upon completion of dessert, William leaned back. "I'm happy to contribute in my daughter's name, but I'd like the name of a person who can arrange for her to see these caves."

Geoff nodded reluctantly.

William said, "Sage and Aidan, we expect to see you for brunch tomorrow morning. Thanks to you, son, we have some celebrating."

"What Daddy?"

Aidan whispered, "I helped him with some business."

They spilled out onto the sidewalk together. Sage hugged her parents while Aidan flagged a cab. He stepped aside for her parents to take it and stepped to the curve for another.

When one arrived, he opened the door for Sage, but Geoff slid in beside her. He sat right next to her with his hand on her thigh. She wanted to push it away. Aidan didn't need to witness his groping. When the driver pulled up to her building, Aidan didn't reach for his wallet nor did Geoff. Sage took a twenty out of her clutch and handed it to the driver.

It was the first time Geoff had been over on a Friday night and he made sure she remembered she was his.

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Sage's dress:

Sage's dress:

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