Chapter 22(Final Chapter)

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  Night'Breeze sneaked to Beetle'Star through the undergrowth, then stood beside the River Clan warrior as if she was her deputy. Willow looked shocked, then smirked.

  "Was Fish Clan that cowardly that they need help from Rabbit Clan?" Willow let out a mrrow of laughter, and then her warriors did too. Willows teeth were sharper than Night'Breeze remembered, her claws were also longer.

  Night'Breeze looked over at Beetle'Star, who was keeping a calm expression. "Why is Willow Clan on River Clan territory?" Beetle'Star called out over the pouring rain and the rushing river. Willow gave a small flick of her tail to one of the cats behind her.

  Soon a huge tabby tom appeared beside her. His teal eyes shown anger but his expression shown other wise. Beetle'Stars eyes widened in shock.

  'Beetle'Star knew this tabby?' Night'Breeze thought as she realized the collar around his neck. 'A kittypet?' Night'Breeze thought with confusion. She heard Beetle'Star murmur something.

  "So the twolegs did take him. . .And now he's part of Willow Clan. . ." Beetle'Star mewed quietly to herself. Night'Breeze took another look at the tabby tom, he did look to be a rogue or warrior.

  "We will like a piece of Fish Clan territory. . .Without blood shed." Willow meowed the last part grudgingly.

  Beetle'Star looked up with anger, "River Clan will never share our territory with the likes of your Clan!" Beetle'Star hissed.

  Willow looked at the black pelted leader with satisfaction. Willows wet pelt gave her an advantage in this weather. Night'Breeze feared for the safety of the Clans. Beetle'Star looked at Night'Breeze.

  "I'm counting on Wind Clan to get us through this. . . I'm also counting on you Night'Breeze." Beetle'Star meowed with confidence to Night'Breeze.

  Night'Breeze could only nod her head. She felt fear boil inside of her, turning into an anger hidden deep inside of her. Thunder and lightning crashed onto the muddy ground of the battle field, signalling for the battle to begin.

  Willow Clan began to spread out, searching for the way around the river. Some jumped in and managed to reach the other side of the river. Night'Breeze instantly yowled for Wind Clan to fight against the enemy.

  River Clan and Wind Clan began fighting against the first wave of warriors. Night'Breeze noticed Spotted'Stripe fighting against a Willow Clan warrior, he was winning.

  Night'Breeze rushed into battle, throwing herself at a warrior. Her claws grabbed their fur as the cat screeched. The cat squirmed and scratched at Night'Breeze. The cat cut Night'Breeze above her eyebrow, then flipped them over.

  Night'Breeze battered at the cats stomach with unsheathed claws. The soft stomach of the cat now felt warm with blood. The cat backed off of Night'Breeze, some of their blood falling onto her stomach and tail.

  Night'Breeze scurried to her paws, blinking the blood out of her eye. She saw Beetle'Star fighting off three separate cats. Night'Breeze pelted towards one of the cats, barreling into them.

  Beetle'Star looked surprised for a second until she continued to fight off the remaining two cats.

  The cat under Night'Breeze hissed and battered at Night'Breezes under belly. She hoped off and began scratching at the Willow Clan warrior, taking each careful step forward. The river was pumping in her ears.

  Night'Breeze saw the fear in the kittypets eyes. She stopped attacking the poor kittypet, "Go back to your twolegs!" Night'Breeze meowed loudly over the roaring winds and river. The kittypet didn't know what to say.

Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Into a Clan COMPLETE!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin