Chapter 15

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  Night'Breeze sat in the medicine den with Bright'Wing. The ginger medicine cats tail was wrapped around her paws neatly, and her pale green eyes shone in the light of the falling sun. Night'Breeze looked over at the Clan entrance and saw Running'Pelt with Snow'Fur, carrying both scrawny pieces of fresh kill in their mouths.

  "Leaf-bare would be tough one. . ." Bright'Wing mewed quietly, "We barely have enough prey now."

  Night'Breeze nodded, "Plus, cats can only find offsprings of the prey, that's why they're so scrawny." Night'Breeze continued, "With Willow Clan hunting in our territory, plus us hunting, we're only left with scraps." She remembered Snow, another cat feeding off their territory as well.

  She stood up and looked over at Bright'Wing, "I'm going to go hunting with Spotted'Stripe." She mewed, trying to sound happy.

  Bright'Wing smirked and stood up, she brushed against Night'Breeze. "Don't be out too late, you crazy kits." She meowed with humor shining in her eyes.

  Night'Breeze smiled and padded off to the warriors' den. She saw Spotted'Stripe talking to Running'Pelt. "Hey, Spotted'Stripe. Wanna go hunting?" She mewed as she padded into the Warriors' den.

  Spotted'Stripe nodded happily and stood up, he stretched. "I'm ready to go when you are." He mewed happily.

  "Let's go." Night'Breeze mewed as she padded out of the den and to the camp entrance. Spotted'Stripe was close behind, though he was kicking off a piece of moss from his foot. Night'Breeze padded into the trees and undergrowth.

  The area is mostly filled with mice, squirrels and birds; two of which are Spotted'Stripes favorite to hunt. Night'Breeze padded around and sniffed the air, which Spotted'Stripe did the same.

  "Hey. . .Night'Breeze. . .So remember that dream you told me about, with the cat drowning?" He meowed quietly as Night'Breeze looked at him.

  "Yes, why?" Her mew had a bit of fear in it. She sat down and looked at Spotted'Stripe.

  "I had a dream, it was like yours, but it showed me what would happen. . .It felt so real." Spotted'Stripe continued, "I've been wanting to tell you that for awhile."

  Night'Breeze stood up and rubbed against Spotted'Stripe, "It's going to be okay, maybe it was StarClan warning you." She whispered in his ear. Night'Breeze sat down in front of him, "Think about it, my dream was from StarClan, then you have a dream that's similar to mine. It has to be StarClan." She explained.

  Spotted'Stripe sat in front of her, "Maybe. . .I think you're right." He licked her forehead and stood up. "Let's continue hunting." He meowed quickly. He always seemed off when she mentioned StarClan.

  Night'Breeze nodded and stood up. Spotted'Stripe lead them through the trees, they were right in front of the moor, concealed by the undergrowth that split them apart.

Spotted'Stripe heard a squirrel climb up a tree. He soon signaled for Night'Breeze to get low to the ground with a wave of his paw.

  He swiftly climbed up the tree and grabbed the squirrel by his teeth, causing it to screech before Spotted'Stripe killed it.

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  As Night'Breeze and Spotted'Stripe were running through the undergrowth of the trees trying to catch a rabbit, Night'Breeze soon skidded to a halt , she smelled something unfamiliar. "Spotted'Stripe, wait!" She whispered as the gray and black tom stopped. "There's something wrong!" She whispered once more.

Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Into a Clan COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now