Chapter 17

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  Bright'Wing padded happily through Wind Clan territory with Night'Breeze beside her. She noticed Night'Breeze looked worried as they padded through without stopping.

  "Don't worry, Cinder'Feather told me it's alright to get some poppies from Thunder Clan territory. They don't really grow on the moors or in the trees." She explain to calm down her friend, "If you'd like, once we get there you can keep watch for warriors."

  Night'Breeze nodded, "It's not that. . .Well it is kinda. . .What if some Thunder Clan warriors attack us?" She mewed with worry.

  "StarClan would be mad at them if they attacked a medicine cat." Bright'Wing simply replied. Bright'Wing knew not to worry, but she understood Night'Breezes worry. "Plus, I'm collecting herbs, they'll understand."

  Night'Breeze nodded her head as the two she-cats continued to pad through the moors. Soon they reached the edge of the territories. The four clans has always been in a small square for as long as Bright'Wing could remember.

  Bright'Wing spotted some poppies on Thunder Clan and padded proudly onto their territory. Night'Breeze followed sheepishly as she kept pricking her ears around. Bright'Wing picked two of the poppies as softly as she could, not to spill any of the seeds.

  Night'Breeze flicked her tail to get Bright'Wings attention, but she was in the middle of picking a poppy. Night'Breeze soon hissed to Bright'Wing, warning her a patrol was near.

  "They can't do anything to us!" Bright'Wing mewed as she stopped trying to pick to poppy, "Stop worrying." She mewed quickly and continued to pick the poppy. The other one she had pick was laid carefully on its side.

  Bright'Wing saw a bright orange paw crush the poppy flower with his claws unsheathed. Bright'Wing quickly looked up at the cat, it was Lion'Pelt. His green eyes were blazing with fury. "Hey! I'm collecting herbs here!" Bright'Wing hissed as she glared at the tom.

  The tom hissed back, "You're on Thunder Clan territory." He hissed as he looked at Night'Breeze. Night'Breezes fur bristled with anger as she got ready to counter an attack.

  "I am a medicine cat, and no poppies grow on Wind Clan territory." Bright'Wing hissed and she continued to pick the poppy. "Now if you will go back to your clanmates, I will appreciate it." Bright'Wing mewed calmly as she tried to regain her cool.

  Lion'Pelt glared at the two she-cats, he let out a sigh, realizing he was in the wrong. He dipped his head, "I am sorry Bright'Wing. . .I forgot you were a medicine cat." He mewed quietly and backed away.

  Bright'Wing noticed Night'Breeze calm down. Though she saw her tail flick impatiently. Lion'Pelts orange fur disappeared into the undergrowth as Bright'Wing finished collecting the two poppies. She padded off of Thunder Clan with Night'Breeze following close behind.

   'I'll have to tell Cinder'Feather about the incident with Lion'Pelt. . .'  Bright'Wing thought as she padded into the moors of Wind Clan. Night'Breeze kept her ears pricked as they padded through the trees to get back to camp.

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  Bright'Wing placed the poppies carefully on the ground. Cinder'Feather wasn't in the medicine den, probably out getting some other herbs he forgot to tell Bright'Wing about. She shrugged and padded out of the medicine den. She hasn't checked on Blue'Kit in a while and decided to pad to the nursery.

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