Chapter 16

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  Night'Breeze emerged from the bushes of the warriors' den. The sun had woken her up, she padded off into the apprentices' den to not see Muddy'Paw. Her fur stood on end and backed out of the den. Night'Breeze ended up backing into a cat, she quickly turned around and saw Muddy'Paw. She let out a sigh of relief.

  "Where were you?" Night'Breeze demanded with fear. Muddy'Paw looked at her, and flicked his tail at the fresh kill pile.

  "I thought I should have gone hunting, the fresh kill pile was running low." He mewed with confusion. "Why, what happened?"

  "N-Nothing. . .Just worried." She mewed as she rasped her tongue over his ear. "Go take some fresh kill to the elders." She mewed.

  Muddy'Paw nodded and padded to the fresh kill pile, picking out a rabbit for the elders. Night'Breeze saw as he brought the rabbit to the elders.

  Night'Breeze saw Spotted'Stripe emerge from the bushes of the warriors' den. He padded up to the fresh kill pile and took a small mouse. He padded into a shady part of the clearing and began to eat.

  Night'Breeze looked around the clearing as some cats began to wake up. Dawn'Star and Speckle'Face emerged from the leaders den, 'They must be mates.' Night'Breeze thought with surprise. 

  Night'Breeze padded over to Spotted'Stripe and sat next to him. He looked over at Night'Breeze and pushed the mouse with his paw. Night'Breeze shook her head, she didn't feel hungry. She watched as Muddy'Paw padded out of the elders den with his tail held high.

  Fear crept down her spine, watching as Muddy'Paw seemed so happy. She remembered Willow'Specks words and shivered. Night'Breeze promised to watch and protect Muddy'Paw for Willow'Speck. Night'Breeze looked down at her paws with shame, if Muddy'Paws future won't be bright, then Night'Breeze couldn't protect him.

  Night'Breeze looked up and shook her head, 'No, I will protect him no matter what!' She thought with defiance, what ever would happen to Muddy'Paw, Night'Breeze will make sure he survives.

  She stood up and padded over to her apprentice, who was talking to Stick'Paw. "Muddy'Paw!" Night'Breeze mewed as she padded up to the brown pelted apprentice. His green eyes stared at her with delight.

  "Hi, Night'Breeze!" Muddy'Paw purred.

  Stick'Paw dipped his head, "Hello, Night'Breeze."

  Night'Breeze thought of what to say, 'Maybe hunting?' She thought quietly to herself, 'No, training.' She looked at both the apprentices, "Let's all go training, I'll meet you both at the entrance of camp once you're ready to go." Night'Breeze meowed confidently.

  She did take Muddy'Paw hunt training way too often, especially for that one time he trained one move the whole day. She should sharpen up on his fighting skills.

  The two apprentices nodded as Night'Breeze padded off to the entrance of camp. She sat down and watched for the two apprentices. Night'Breeze thought about Willow'Specks warning about Muddy'Paw. She looked down at the ground, 'What will happen to him?' She thought with fear.

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  Night'Breeze watched the two apprentices fight each other with their claws sheathed. Stick'Paw was able to dodge almost all of Muddy'Paws moves and attacks. Muddy'Paw stopped trying to attack, the lean Wind Clan apprentice stood in a crouch, ready to pounce. Stick'Paw went for the attack, but Muddy'Paw leapt back then forward.

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