Chapter 19

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  Night'Breeze watched Muddy'Paw with sadness until her thoughts were interrupted by someone entering the camp. It was Cinder'Feather and Dawn'Star, their tails dropped with a hint of tiredness. Dawn'Star stalked over to his mate and brushed against her flank then went off to his den.

  She looked over at Cinder'Feather talking to Bright'Wing, she heard Cinder'Feather say something about the Moontree.

  'Is that where they had gone? . .' Night'Breeze thought curiously. She saw Bright'Wing hurrying him inside of the medicine den. Night'Breeze shrugged and stood up, she wondered how Spotted'Stripe is doing.

  Night'Breeze padded around the camp. She saw him by the elders den speaking to Eagle'Claw, they were sharing a piece of fresh kill. Spotted'Stripe looked at Night'Breeze and smiled. Eagle'Claws eyes shimmered with amusement as he turned and padded back inside of the elders' den. 

  "Night'Breeze!" Spotted'Stripe purred as he padded up to Night'Breeze. He brushed against Night'Breeze, causing her to purr. Sadness soon took over Night'Breeze, realizing that Spotted'Stripe could be the one in her dream. Spotted'Stripe interrupted her thoughts when he rasped his tongue over her ear, "What's wrong Night'Breeze?" He mewed gently into her ear.

  Night'Breeze shook her head, "Nothings wrong." She mewed, trying to sound cheerful. She noticed Spotted'Stripe looking at her paw, it was still wrapped in cobwebs.

  "What happened to your paw?" Spotted'Stripe mewed curiously. He sniffed it.

  "Infection, though it feels better." Night'Breeze meowed, Spotted'Stripe nodded.

  "Are you allowed to sleep in the warriors' den yet or no?" Spotted'Stripe paused then smiled, "I could really use a nap." He purred. Night'Breeze also smiled.

  "I could also use a nap." Night'Breeze purred. The two cats stood up and stalked into the warriors' den.

  They curled closely together and they soon both drifted into a sleep.

  Night'Breeze woke up beside Spotted'Stripe. She took in his scent and purred quietly, his warmth feeling wonderful against the soft cold winds of the outside seeping into the warriors' den.

  She saw Ice'Fur curled up beside White'Nose. They were sleeping peacefully as their sides rose up and down slowly. Night'Breeze sat up slowly, moss was clinging to the cobweb on her paw. She stalked silently out of the den then stretched. Night'Breeze shook her paw to get the moss off of it.

  Night'Breeze noticed Speckle'Face and a few other cats carrying some fresh kill. Night'Breezes mouth watered at the sight of a juicy starling that Speckle'Face was carrying. She shook her head, she must put the clans need first.

  It was nearly sundown, yet the warmth of the sun still clung to her black fur. A chilly wing flew through the camp, causing one of the kits to shiver as they played with one another. Lost'Dream, the kits mother, quickly urged them into the nursery.

  Night'Breeze padded to the medicine den, hoping to get the cobweb off of her paw. It was starting to bother her. She saw Cinder'Feather at the entrance of the medicine den, watching the nursery. He noticed Night'Breeze and padded into the medicine den, he flicked his tail for her to follow.

  Night'Breeze padded into the medicine den and sat down in the moss. "You've healed quick. . .You're a strong she-cat." Cinder'Feather meowed as he took the cobwebs off her paw.

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