Chapter 20

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  Night'Breeze padded into the medicine den, she wanted to see how Bright'Wing was doing. She saw Bright'Wing and Cinder'Feather putting herbs in neat piles. "Cinder'Feather, we're low on juniper berries." Bright'Wing mewed as she gather less than a pawful.

  "I have more over here." Cinder'Feather replied. He pawed the blue berries over to Bright'Wing. Bright'Wing put them into a neat pile.

  Bright'Wing looked over at Night'Breeze and smiled. "Are you going to the Moontree soon?" Night'Breeze asked as she padded closer to Bright'Wing.

  Bright'Wing nodded, "Well, we're going in about two sun downs, but Cinder'Feather wanted to get everything ready now." She mewed.

  Cinder'Feather looked at the two she-cats, "It's better to get everything ready now, than at the last moment." He explained as he organized the raspberry leaves into a neat pile.

  "I know." Bright'Wing mewed as she turned back to the herbs.

  "I can help, if you want." Night'Breeze meowed as she padded beside Cinder'Feather.

  Cinder'Feather looked up at her with a bit of confusion. "Sure, just do the poppy seeds." He paused, "There are quite a few."

  Night'Breeze nodded and sat in the middle of the gray and ginger medicine cats. She began to organize the poppy seeds.

  Night'Breeze and the medicine cats finished organizing the herbs. Her hindlegs felt stiff from sitting for so long. She noticed Bright'Wing felt the same too. "Why don't we go hunting to stretch our legs?" Night'Breeze mewed to her ginger friend. "I should also bring Spotted'Stripe."

  Bright'Wing nodded happily. "I'll wait for you by the entrance." She mewed as she stood up and stretched. She padded out of the medicine den.

  Night'Breeze also padded out of the medicine den, heading towards the warriors' den. She didn't see Spotted'Stripe in the den, so she backed out. She noticed him talking to Dawn'Star and Speckle'Face.

  Night'Breeze padded over to the three cats. "Spotted'Stripe!" She mewed happily as she gently stretched her hindleg. "Me and Bright'Wing are going hunting to stretch our legs. Want to come?" She mewed happily. Spotted'Stripe looked at her with a smile.

  "Sure!" He mewed happily as he stood up. "Are we going now?" He asked as padded closer to her. Night'Breeze nodded happily.

  Spotted'Stripe smiled as they both padded off to the entrance of camp. Bright'Wing looked over them and smiled slyly. Night'Breeze felt her face heat up. While Spotted'Stripe chuckled quietly.

  "You two are the perfect mates!" Bright'Wing mewed as they padded out of camp. Spotted'Stripe brushed against Night'Breeze and purred.

  "Yes, we are." He purred in a humorous tone as he brushed up against Night'Breeze. Bright'Wing let out a mrrow of laughter. Night'Breeze purred too as she felt her paws tingle.

  "Let's focus on hunting. . ." Night'Breeze purred as they continued to hunt through the moors. Night'Breeze told Spotted'Stripe to hunt in the trees with Bright'Wing as Night'Breeze took the moors.

  She padded through the moors quickly, sniffing the air. She smelled nothing. A cold wind flattened her fur as she padded through the moors again. This time, she smelled a few mice, maybe a family.  She also caught a hint of rabbit, very faint. She decided to go for the mice.

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