Chapter 7

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  Night'Breeze padded into camp. She needed to tell someone about this. 'What about Dawn'Star?. . .' She thought with hesitation. 'Maybe Bright'Paw first. . .She'll know what to do, right?' Night'Breeze began to walk, she padded into the medicine den. She looked at Bright'Paw, which were sitting in a piece of moss while listening to Cinder'Feather.

  "Night'Breeze, why are you here?" Cinder'Feather meowed while not looking away from Bright'Paw. There were herbs in front of them both.

  "Just wanted to see Bright'Paw, and hows her training?" Night'Breeze meowed in uncertainty. 'I need to speak with her. . .It's important.'

  "You want to speak with me, don't you?" Bright'Paw purred. Night'Breeze nodded her head as Bright'Paw looked at Cinder'Feather. "You don't mind Cinder'Feather, right?" She meowed as she stood up.

 Cinder'Feather shrugged and padded over to the herbs. Bright'Paw padded out of the medicine den, she rubbed against Night'Breeze. "So what's up Night'Breeze?" Bright'Paw asked.

  "We need to speak outside of camp. . .I don't want this getting out." Night'Breeze meowed as she padded outside of camp. Bright'Paw followed her and sat down.

  "What's wrong Night'Breeze?" Bright'Paw mewed worried.

  "Remember Willow, right?" Night'Breeze meowed quietly.

  "Yes? What's going on?" Bright'Paw meowed still worried.

  "She's making her own Clan. . ." Night'Breeze paused, "She called it Willow Clan. . ." Her voice turned quiet and full of fear, "She's planning to attack again."

  Bright'Paw stared at Night'Breeze, unsure of what to say. "A Clan?. . ." Her tail twitched as she stood silent.

  Bright'Paw stood up, her fur was bristling. "StarClan is not pleased!" She hissed, but suddenly stopped as the wind blew through her fur. She looked up into the sky, it was sundown. "Night. . ." She paused and looked down at Night'Breeze. "Night will lead a path of light. . ." 

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  Bright'Paw sat down, she began to lick her fur roughly. Night'Breeze stared at Bright'Paw, scared, she had never seen her friend act like that. Her fur stood up as Bright'Paw calmly groomed herself.

  "Bright'Paw. . .You okay?" Night'Breezed mewed as she got closer to Bright'Paw.

  "StarClan isn't pleased, but they have a plan for Wind Clan. Maybe for all of the Clans, I know it." Bright'Paw meowed quickly as she continued to lick herself. She stood up, "I have to get back to the medicine den now, be safe Night'Breeze." She meowed as she padded back into camp.

  As soon as Bright'Paws tail disappeared into the camp, a shiver went through Night'Breeze. 'Night will lead a path of light. . .' Smokey told her that in her dream once. Night'Breeze stood up. She began pad away from camp, she wanted to go hunt. She knew she was forgetting something but she couldn't remember what.

  Her paws took her deep into Wind Clan territory. Night'Breeze sniffed the air, smelling a mouse and bird. She gotten into a hunters crouch and stepped lightly towards the mouse. The mouse was near a small rock, eating a seed.

  Night'Breeze pounced and scooped up the small mouse. She swiftly hit it down to the ground, killing it. She picked it up, and padded back to camp. She reached the camp and placed the small mouse in the fresh kill pile. The pile was small, barely any food. 'It's not even leaf-bare and Wind Clan is struggling on prey. . .'

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