Chapter 4

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  Bright'Paw stretched and attempted to pad out of the apprentices' den. In the process, she accidentally stepped on Night'Paw.

  "Huh?" Night'Paw mewed, confused.

  "Sorry! I was just getting out of the den." Bright'Paw whispered to Night'Paw.

  Night'Paw stood up and yawned. Bright'Paw noticed a piece of moss on Night'Paws ear, and flicked it off gently with her paw.

  Night'Paw smiled at Bright'Paw as they both padded out of the den together. They noticed One'Ear and Dawn'Star padding into the nursery.

  Bright'Paw padded over to the fresh-kill pile. There was two new pieces of fresh-kill before a hunting patrol went out. She was a bit confused.

  Night'Paw noticed her confusion and panicked slightly, she didn't think anyone would question more food in the pile.
  Bright'Paw looked at Night'Paw, she noticed her friend seemed nervous, 'Did. . . Did Night'Paw go out by herself and catch the fresh kill? . .' Bright'Paw knew not to question it.

  To Night'Paws surprise, Bright'Paw didn't question it any further and simply picked out a rabbit for the elders.

  "Mind if you help bring this to them, Night'Paw?" Bright'Paw mewed as she gripped the rabbits scruff in her jaw.

  Night'Paw nodded and padded to beside her friend to help carry the rabbit. They began bringing it to the elders den.

  Holly'Scar noticed the two she-apprentices. "Hello, Bright'Paw!" Holly'Scar purred.

  Bright'Paw dipped her head in response. She wondered how Holly'Scar would respond to Night'Paw.

  Holly'Scar continued, she glared at Night'Paw, "And hello. . .You." She scowled.

   Night'Paw felt intimidated from Holly'Scars glare and scowl. Bright'Paw noticed and pushed the rabbit closer to Holly'Scar. "Here's some fresh kill for you and the elders!" Bright'Paw purred to Holly'Scar.

  Holly'Scar smiled and nodded at Bright'Paw, "Thank you, Bright'Paw."

  Bright'Paw nodded and began to pad away from the elders den with Night'Paw following.

  "She still doesn't like you?" Bright'Paw said with a tired mew. The elder has sorta gotten better, but she's still rude to Night'Paw.

  Night'Paw could only shrug. She had no idea herself.

  Night'Paws ears swirled behind her as she heard her name being whispered by the hateful elder.

  "Why did Dawn'Star even let that rogue in?! She'll betray us all!" Holly'Scar whispered to one of the other elders. Night'Paw didn't care to look.

  "I'll be in the medicine den talking to Cinder'Feather, okay?" Bright'Paw meowed to Night'Paw as she walked off.

  "Alright, have fun!" Night'Paw's meow had a humorous tone as her tail flicked happily. As she saw Dawn'Star walk up to her. Night'Paw dipped her head in respect.

  "Hello Dawn'Star." Night'Paw meowed as she looked back up at her leader. Their two eyes met.

  Dawn'Star looked at his apprentice with his soft amber gaze. "Hello, Night'Paw. How are you?" He meowed calmly.

  "I'm doing okay. How're you Dawn'Star?" Night'Paw meowed in response. Night'Paw felt the urge to look around, but ignored it to contain eye contact with her leader.

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