Chapter 2

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  After Night'Paws apprenticeship ceremony, she's been sleeping in the apprentices den. Her training has been more advanced than the other apprentices since Smokey had already taught her most things like hunting.

  Dawn'Star walks out of his den and greets his apprentice Night'Paw. "Good morning Night'Paw, I came to let you know training will start at sunhigh." His meow was calm, but full of the authority a leader should naturally have.

  Night'Paw nodded happily at Dawn'Star, forgetting his importance in the Clan. She quickly dipped her head respectfully, she felt herself flush with embarrassment. She always saw other cats do this to show respect, so she should to.

  Dawn'Star let out a light chuckle, "No need to bow your head. I'm your mentor, and a friend." Dawn'Star brushed his tail on Night'Paws shoulder. This soothed the black and white she-apprentice.

  Night'Paw nodded, her excited behaviour didn't seem to be a problem for the Wind Clan leader. "Yes Dawn'Star!" She purred happily.

  Dawn'Star nodded and padded away. Night'Paw could feel her stomach rumble. She decided to grab something from the fresh-kill pile.

  She looked into the pile. It was quite full to her understanding, but she sees how thin some of the warriors are. Night'Paw even hears the elders murmuring about how scarce the prey is.

  Night'Paw shook her head and took a rabbit, it was quite small, maybe a baby rabbit. She padded into the apprentices' den.

  "Hi Night'Paw!" Bright'Paw said happily.

  "Hello Bright'Paw. I was wondering if you'd like to share this rabbit with me?" Night'Paw said with a small smile. She noticed she picked up talking habits from her mentor. Sometimes even her friends and some elders would point it out.

  "But don't you think its too small for the both of you?" Bear'Paw meowed to them.

  Bright'Paw looked over at Bear'Paw warmly. This was not abnormal for the ginger she-cat.

  Sleeping'Paw finally woke up and began to stretch. "I think Bear'Paw's right, I could get you another fresh kill if you let me have that rabbit." He said, eyeing down the rabbit.

  "Okay, sure! I'll put it on your moss pile." Night'Paw said while standing up.

  She couldn't help but look down at her chest. The scratch from Willow will leave a scar. The wound hasn't healed completely so Cinder'Feather demanded that she came regularly to the medicine den.

  Funny thing that Cinder'Feather told Night'Paw is that he believes Star Clan gave her the strength to even reach Wind Clan. It's a pleasant thing to think about to Night'Paw. . .Like she has a destiny in this small world.

  "Alright!" Sleeping'Paw meowed less sleepily than usual. This snapped Night'Paw out of her thoughts. "I'll be back!" He purred. He stretched and walked out the den.

  Bear'Paw stood up and also stretched. He walked out the den as well.

  Night'Paw watched as she placed the rabbit onto Sleeping'Paws moss.

  "So how are you adjusting to clan life?" Bright'Paw asked in a friendly meow.

  "It's not that different if I'm being honest." Night'Paw replied as she laid next to Bright'Paw.

  Night'Paw heard a rustle near the entrance of the den. Sleeping'Paw padded inside and placed a plump mouse in front of the two she-apprentices. "You never told us why you came into Wind Clan all. . .Well, bloody."

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