//For your own good

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Y/n sat in the gryffindor common room. Her eyes staring out the window at the nighttime abyss outside the walls. Slight tears escaped her eyes. She quickly whipped them away with her shaking hand before anyone noticed.
It was her 6th year at Hogwarts. That makes 3 years that she's been with the love of her life. Draco Malfoy.

The fire in the common room was burning bright.
Y/n felt the warm heat from the flames on her soft skin. The aroma of hot chocolate floated the common room. The sound of laughter and joyous conversations drowned out the sound of her soft sniffles. She felt a presence behind her. She cleared her head and whipped her eyes of her tears. A hand was placed on her shoulder.

"Hey" she heard a familiar voice ring in her ears. She didn't look up at them but responded with a small mumble "hi."
"Are you okay"
She looked up at Harry. All she gave him was a simple nod but she wasn't okay. Harry sat down next to her. They both stared out at the abyss out side the window.
"It's Malfoy isn't it" Harry finally brought up. Y/n's eyes started tearing up again at the sound of that name. She looked up at Harry with tears in her eyes and he got his answer.
"He did it again" she said "he never showed up like he said he would. 3 times now he hasn't showed up. 3 times now I have no explanation to why he's not showing up. Our usual walks around the castle after dinner, our special thing. It's just gone. He doesn't talk to me anymore or make time for me, I feel like I'm the only one trying, I feel like I'm losing him"
Harry pulled her close and he could feel the sobs she had been holding in finally breaking free.
"Y/n...you deserve so much more than Malfoy"

The next day Y/n arrived at lunch late. She couldn't find the strength to get out of her bed this morning.
She walked to her usual seat between Harry and Ron but she didn't sit down. She just stood there and stared at the seat. She glanced over at the Slytherin table. Draco's seat was empty. She felt Harry stand up. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a hug. It took everything in her not to cry. Her teary eyes opened and she saw him.
Draco stood a few feet away from her. His expression blank. He looked at her and then at Harry's arms wrapped around her body. He shook his head as if waking up from some nightmare. He glanced at her again. He turned around and walked as fast as he could out of the Great Hall.
Y/n's eyes shot open. She pushed pass Harry.
"Draco wait!" She yelled to him. She felt all eyes on her as she ran after Draco.

She didn't know where she was going. She ran off of instinct. She found herself in the same empty corridor her and Draco shared their first kiss. She looked for a sign of him but there was none.
She kept wandering.
She entered the Dungeons. She stood in front of a bare stretch of stone wall. She whispered the password to the wall and it slowly opened it. She walked inside the Slytherin common room. Her shaking body was met with a blast of cool air and a green lit room came to view in her eyes.
She saw the blonde haired boy. He sat on the black sofa with his head down. He knew she was there but he didn't look up.
"Draco" she called out. He didn't answer.
She walked over to the sofa and sat next to him. She stared at the floor.
"What are you doing here" Draco finally spoke.
"I was looking for you" she replied
"No y/n..what are you doing here..with me. I'm not good for you"
Y/n stared at Draco's face. He was paler, skinnier, it looks like he hasn't slept in days
"I love you" she said
Draco stood up "yes you love me. That's the problem y/n. Your blinded at the fact that I'm no good for you"
Y/n could hear the irritation in his voice.
She stood up to.
"I'm not blinded at the fact that your not good for me. I don't care about that. Draco I love you for the good and the bad. What's going on here. Why are you acting like this"

Draco ran his hands threw his hair.
"We can't be together anymore, I'm sorry"
Y/n's body felt numb. She felt like her breath was cut short and taken away from her.
"Are you saying.....your breaking up with me?" Her voice was cracking. She tried her best to hide her tears but she couldn't.
"Yes" Draco nodded
"So everything we've done and been through together meant nothing. Our future we planned meant nothing. Those 3 years meant nothing" she snapped.

"OF COURSE Y/N THEY MEANT SOMETHING TO ME" Draco also snapped "they meant the world to me. Do you think I want to do this. I love you y/n. And it's because I love you that I have to leave you. It's for your own good. It's better this way, this is for your own good"
Tears escaped Draco's eyes. Y/n stood in shock.
"Draco if this isn't what you want you don't have to do this" she grabbed his right arm.
As Draco pulled away, his sleeve rose up. Y/n caught a glimpse of something dark on his arm.
She squinted at it through her tears. She grabbed his arm again forcefully not letting him pull it away.
She yanked up his sleeve and revealed the dark mark.
Her eyes widened. She stared up at him.
"Why didn't you tell me" she asked him "this is why your doing this. Breaking up with me isn't gonna make everything better"
Draco pulled his arm away and yanked his sleeve back down
"Your not supposed to know about this"
"I can help you Draco"
"NO! no you can't" he cried.
"Draco please let me help, it doesn't have to be this way" y/n begged "I love you"
"I love you too...that's why you have to go. LEAVE
Y/N! It's a life or death choice. The dark lord will kill you. I'd rather you hate me but be alive rather than dead because you love me"
"i want to die loving you than alive hating you" y/n said. "All I want is to be with you"
Draco sobbed. He grabbed y/n by her robes and started pulling her towards the common room door.
"Draco stop. Let me go" she tried to break free.
He opened the door and pushed y/n outside.
"This is for your own good. We're over y/n. Don't talk to me. Don't come back. I dont want to see you."
"Draco wait" y/n pleaded "please don't do this, this isn't what you want." He shut the door.
"Draco please" she begged at the bare stone wall. She banged until her palms were red and bleeding.
She sunk down onto the cold floor. She didn't care to control her sobs anymore.

She felt like screaming. She couldn't feel anything anymore. She walked to the gryffindor common room in silence. Everything around her was mute. All she heard was the sound of her broken beating heart. Her face was a blank expression and stained with tears. She knew she was being stared at from other students walking back to their common rooms and classes. She cared for none of that.

She entered the gryffindor common room. Harry, Ron and Hermione tried talking to her but she kept moving. The ignored everything around her.
She sat on the foot of her bed. She looked at the photo of her and Draco on her nightstand. Everything inside her broke down. She took the picture and threw it at the wall. She threw all of her belongings into her trunk. She dropped down onto her bed and stared at the top of it. Her hand made her way around her neck. She felt her necklace. The necklace Draco gave her 4th year. She yanked it off and threw it. Somewhere in the girls dormitory it made a clank on the cold floor.

Draco Malfoy Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن