//19 years later

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The Malfoy family swaggered down platform 9 3/4. The 11 year old boy excitedly ran as far he reasonably could pushing his way through the crowd of families, his father not far behind carrying his trunks trying to keep up with his son. Following them a 6 year old girl stayed tucked under her mothers arm secured around her waist. All the chaos of new blossoming wizards and old wizards was unfamiliar to her. The mother smiled at her husband's attempt to catch up with the hyper child.
The boy stopped as soon as he saw a familiar face.
"Albus!" He yelled making his way up to the oldest Potter child. The brown haired boy looked excitedly at the platinum blonde boy and returned the same gesture
"Scorpius!" He also yelled. The two boys did a little hand shake, engaging in they're own conversation.
Draco Malfoy finally caught sight of his child and placed the trunks down next to him catching his breathe. He was getting quite to old for all this running. He turned and met the gaze of his smiling wife and daughter.
"Oh look at them" Y/n Malfoy awed at the two boys getting along quite well.
"Who knew a Malfoy and a Potter could ever" Draco smiled placing a hand on his wife's shoulder. Y/n felt a gentle tug on the sleeve of her blouse followed by the word "mommy"
"Yes dear" she hummed looking down at Ophelia Malfoy.
"Where is bu-ba going" she asked using the nickname she gave her older brother when she was just a baby. She couldn't properly pronounce his name yet.
"He's going to Hogwarts" Her father answered her. Picking up his daughter from hiding behind her mother and hoisted her up in his arms.
"What's How-arts" she she asked staring down at her bother and his friend.
"It's a school for wizards like us, the best school know to the wizarding world" Y/n smiled at her.
The loud train whistled it's horn signaling it was time for the students to board the train. Scorpius ran back to his family grabbing his trunk happily. He smiled at his parents and turned to run on to the magical train.
"No hug goodbye I'm hurt" Draco called to his son.
"I'm sorry father I'm just excited" Scorpius beamed  up at his father. He could see the joy and curiosity in his eyes. Scorpius dropped his trunk and gave his father a big hug along with his mother and sister.
"You have everything you need right" The mother in y/n began to show "you have your robes, your wand, your books..make sure it's all they're"
"Yes mother I have it all" Scorpius said picking his trunk back up
"Don't forget your write to us every week, we're so proud of you" y/n called to her son who was halfway on the train. She smiled at how proud she was but there was also a hint of sadness behind that smile.
"It's okay love, he'll be back before you know it" Draco reassured her. They watched they're son happily take seats next to Albus Potter and a few other of his friends. Scorpius waves at them happily just as the train began to let out steam and began to take off. The rest of the Malfoy family waved back with big smiles on they're faces as the 6 year old screamed goodbye to her bother hoping he would hear her from on the train. They watched the train gracefully run out of they're sight.
"Mommy when will I get to go to How-arts" Ophelia looked at her mom with great big grey eyes which resembled her fathers so much.
"Very soon my dear very soon"

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