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I hate it. I hate everything. I hate this school. I hate these people. I hate these teachers. I can't deal with it anymore. I want it all gone I need everything gone.
I paced back and forth in the empty girls dormitory. My splitting headache felt worse than death. Nothing made sense to me at that moment. The room was spinning and the only thing I could hear was a wheezy high pitched male voice.
Come home y/n, return to me
I wasn't sure if it was in my head or someone was I the room with me. No boys were allowed in the girls dormitory though. I first started hearing it towards the end of my 4th year at Hogwarts when Harry Potter claimed The dark lord to be back. During my 5th year I didn't hear it until the incident at the ministry with Potter, the death eaters and the prophecy. My 6th year has just started and I'm hearing the voice almost twice a day.

I walked down to the Great Lake to meet Draco. He's been helping me deal with the voice since the first time I heard it.
I found him sitting at the edge of the lake with his back turned to me. I took a seat next to him and stared out into the black water with him.

"Have you heard it again" he asked me without breaking his gaze from the water.
I sighed "yea" I stared at something large moving in the water.
"Draco I think I'm starting to figure everything out" my eyes widened as i pieced everything together.
"You mean with the voice" he finally turned his head to look at me. His face was paler than normal, he almost looked sick.
I nodded
"Think....I first started hearing it when Potter said the dark lord was back....and I heard it again after what happened at the ministry.....which has to do with You-Know-Who" Draco held his hand up to me to get me to stop talking
"Where ever your going with this y/n is impossible"
"No listen to me, I've been hearing the voice a lot lately over the summer and this school year and I finally figured it out. Every time someone is attacked by a death eater or whenever the dark mark is conjured I hear the voice. I think it's connected to Voldemort, I'm connected to Voldemort"
Draco winced at the sound of his name but laughed a few seconds later
"You think your connected to him...haha like Potter"
"No not like Potter, I think he's trying to get me to be a death eater or maybe....rejoin them. I don't know the voice always says 'return to us' so I'm thinking at some point in my life I was at use to them" my mind was spinning in all these possible scenarios. Draco went to say something but I quickly cut him off with another statement
"Think of what he wants you to do, if that's possible, anything is possible"
Suddenly everything around me went quiet

Return y/n...how dare you be disloyal to me.

I jumped at the tone of the voice. It was angry.
Draco was shaking me trying to get my attention.
"What happened did you hear it again." I tried to form words but all I could do was shake my head.
"I-I gotta go" I quickly got up and sped walked back to Hogwarts grounds as fast as I possibly could

"Is she awake" I heard the wheezy high pitched male voice ask. I opened my eyes to find myself inside a dimly lit room. There was two chairs facing a fireplace. I could make out a pale man like creature sitting in one of the chairs. He looked snake like.
"yess my lord" a dingy women with tangled black hair laughed from the back of the room. She looked right at me and started walking towards me. My heart began to race and I tried moving away from her but I couldn't move. All i could do was close my eyes. But nothing happened. She had walked right through me as if I was invisible.
I heard female cries coming from behind me and soon the black haired women was in my view again. She dragged a girl that looked to be my age over to the occupied chair and threw her down on the ground. The girl begged for them to let her go and she could give them any information they wanted. She didn't want to die.
"Where are y/n y/l/n's where abouts" the snake man hushly asked her.
"W-who" she shakingly looked up at the chair.
"Crucio" the black haired women happily laughed pointing her wand at the poor innocent girl. She screamed at the torture she was enduring.
"S-she's a-at H-Hogwarts! Please make it stop-p" she cried out.
"Bellatrix...enough" the man ordered the black haired women. He began to get up out the chair. Slowly he turned around revealing his face.
It was him. Lord Voldemort
His face was clean with no emotion. He walked forward towards the crying girl slowly. He pointed his wand at her.
"You are no use to me anymore.....AVADA KEDAVRA!!"

My eyes shot open and my heart was racing. My chest moved up and down rapidly as I laid in my own pool of sweat. It was dark and quiet inside the my dormitory room besides from the feminine snores coming from my roommates.
I ripped the blanket off of me, my body couldn't breathe and it needed air. I didn't know what I had just seen. Was it a nightmare? Or was it real?
I couldn't fall back asleep. I laid awake in my four poster bed till morning

I told Draco about my dream over breakfast in the great hall. I explain it as much as I could in detail.
Suddenly the owls came flying in dropping off letters and packages. A copy of the daily prophet landed right in front of me on the table. I quickly grabbed it flipping it over to the cover page. My eyes widened.
"Draco there's been more attacks...and a murder" that proved my theory. I looked at the picture of who has been murdered. Is was a girl by the name of Alice Peters, she was the girl from my dream. Her face became familiar to me, I think she was in my potions class.
"Draco this was the girl in my dream, she was murdered in my dream. And these attack's it explains why I heard the voice again at the lake, I was right. I'm connected to them" I lowered my voice so only Draco could hear what I saying. Then I remembered something that happened in my dream
"He's looking for me....she told him I was here at Hogwarts"
"Why would he be looking for you" Draco asked
"I think we're gonna find out soon"



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