//Night time adventures

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I am sorry for any typos I didn't edit this before publishing...I'm to lazy lol.

The bright silvery moon shined through the girls dormitory. The faint sound of movement and light snores filling Y/n's ears. Thus, she could not sleep.
She tossed and turned for what felt like hours at a time. She violently huffed and with all her strength pushed herself up on the bed. She sat on her four poster bed and stared at her sleeping roommates. She sighed and pulled her wand out from under her pillow.
"Lumos" she whispered under her breath. A beam of light projected from the tip of her wand. From her school bag she gently pulled out her copy of Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage
She skimmed the first chapter to her best ability. Since she couldn't sleep, why not do some light studying. Within ten minutes she grew bored. She placed her textbook back into her bag and gently waved her wand. The bright beam of light quickly died away as she put her wand back under her pillow. She leaned back down and snuggled into her covers. She tossed and turned again attempting to get comfortable. She closed her eyes...and she opened her eyes. She irritatedly pushed herself back up. She took her wand back out
The beam of light returned. She kicked the covers off her legs and swung her legs over the side of her bed. She sat for a second realizing how chilly it was inside the dormitory. She slipped on her slippers and a sweater. She faced the fact that she had nothing to cover up her bear legs. She only wears shorts and a night top to sleep. She slowly tip toed away from her bed as quietly as she could. The last thing she needed was waking up one of her roommates. She held her wand in front of her lighting up the dark stairway out of the girls dormitory. She walked through the common room until she reached the entrance. She gently pushed it open, hoping to make no sounds. She had decided to take a night time stroll. Students out of bed during night time was a very risky thing and could possibly get in a lot of trouble of Mr Filch catches them. To Y/n the thrill of possibly getting in trouble filled her with excitement. She wandered through the dark empty corridors. She occasionally got moans and complaints about her light from paintings on the walls.
Suddenly to her surprise, she heard heavy but light foot steps walking down the same corridor as her. Her heart started racing. She violently waved her wand and her bright light went out. The foot steps got closer and closer and her heart beating faster and faster.
To her sudden relief she could tell it wasn't a professor, but a tall, rather skinny blonde. He looked up from his feet and his gaze met hers.
"Malfoy! You idiot" She whispered "outta give me a bloody heart attack"
"What are you doing out of bed y/l/n" he mocked the professors.
Y/n playfully punched Draco's shoulder. They both laughed and walked the empty corridors for what merely seemed like hours.

"You know Malfoy..your not as foul and loathsome as I thought you were" Y/n smiled at him. Her eyes were filled with curiosity. She's never really had much of an opinion on Draco other than what she's heard around school and from of course Hermione, Ron and Harry.
"Oh your the judgmental type?" He spat. Y/n sighed at his sudden attitude.
"Actually...I don't like to judge people based off of rumors and what other people say and sometimes even actions." She corrected him. In disappointment she caressed the base of her wand.

The light mood was broken. They continued walking in silence down the corridors. Draco was waving his want in front of all the paintings, he laughed at their discomfort and yelled to turn off the light.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw two orbs close to the ground. It seemed like a pair of eyes reflecting off the light coming from the wands. She realized Mrs. Norris was staring at them. As soon as being spotted she turned around. Y/n she was running back to tell the caretaker Mr. Filch that students are out of bed.
"Put it out" she whispered grabbing Draco's shoulder to get his attention. He looked at her in confusion. Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Mrs. Norris dimwit put it out"
The light from Draco's wand quickly disappeared.
The faint cries of Mr. Filch could be heard coming closer to them.
Y/n grabbed Draco's hand and started running down the corridor the way they came from.
Somehow through the darkness Y/n spotted a door. Luckily it wasn't locked and she pulled herself and Draco into the room. It was a tiny closet with no purpose. Closing the door made no space inside the closet. Y/n's and Draco's bodies were pressed up against each other. Mr. Flich's running footsteps could be heard getting closer to the closet.
Y/n brought her finger up to her lips indicating Draco to be quiet. But he didn't get the memo.
"If I get in trouble my father will hear about this"
She looked at his angrily. She quickly covered his mouth with her hand making sure he stays quiet.
Y/n held her breath as the footsteps stopped right in front of the closet door.
"Come one my dear we won't let them get away unpunished" Mr. Filch said. A loud meow was soon followed after. The footsteps continued running through the corridor getting quieter and quieter. As soon as it was silent, Y/n was able to breath and she let out a deep breath. She took her hand away from Draco's mouth. Draco looked up at her and she felt a laugh building up inside her. Being this close to Draco made her starting thinking things she's never thought before, and with someone she never thought she would be attracted to.
"What" Draco spat out confused of her looks.
Y/n started laughing.
"Why are you laughing, I almost got in trouble" Draco spat again.
At this point Y/n was crying laughing.
She sniffled and rubbed her eyes
"I'm sorry I just find this whole situation funny"
"Me almost getting in trouble?" Draco asked
"No..Us almost getting in trouble and now our bodies are pressed together in this tiny closet, our faces less than half an inch away from each other." Y/n felt her cheeks heating up. The feeling of Draco's body on hers made her heat rise.
Draco looked up at her eyes and then down at her lips. He smirked
"You wanna kiss me don't you Y/l/n"
Y/n nodded her head
"Of course not, why would I want to kiss you. Of all people" she lied. Y/n's on her wand got tighter as the tension in the closed grew.
"Well I wanna kiss you"
Draco's face leaned into Y/n's. He pressed his lips on hers. Y/n would have never imagined Draco's lips to be as soft as they were. His lips felt heavenly on hers
He pulled away and Y/n felt breathless. Her heart was racing. Draco smiled at Y/n.

They came out of stepped out of the tiny space and Y/n enjoyed the feeling of space. A tiny yawn built up in her throat and she felt her eyes getting heavier.
"Seems to Malfoy you've put me to sleep" she smiled as another yawn escaped her mouth.
He smiled at her.
"What do you say about more night time adventures?" He smirked.
"I'd love that"

Draco Malfoy ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang