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"Look at that filthy mudblood" a brown haired slytherin boy sneered at me as I walked by. I lowered my head down low trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. I heard laughs echo through the corridors and I felt burned eyes on me. It was humiliating.
Suddenly my books went flying out of my hands as I tripped over someone's foot. I landed hard on my wrist while I was trying to catch myself. I looked up from the ground holding my broken wrist with my other hand.
"Oops" Pansy Parkinson snickered at me as she removed her foot from in front of me. My eyes caught a glimpse of the blonde haired Slytherin, Draco Malfoy. I got myself ready for the worse. I sat there as he stared at me for what felt like hours. He turned his gaze to Pansy and rolled his eyes.
"Pansy don't you have something better to, like studying last time I checked even longbottom was smarter than you" his blonde hair fell nicely over his face.
"But Dracy it's fun, what's gotten into you have you gone mental"
Draco ignored her and bent down in front of me extending his arm out for me to grab. I heard Pansy growl as Draco pulled me to my feet.
I stood there flabbergasted as he bent down and picked up all my books.
"I got it, let's get you to madam pomfrey"

He waited in the hospital wing with me as madam pomfrey fixed my broken wrist. She did a quickly easy spell that fixed it in seconds, tho it was extremely painful.

We left the hospital wing and even tho my wrist was fixed Draco still offered to hold my books. I told him I was okay and was gonna go back to the Ravenclaw common room but he insisted on walking with me.
"Why are you being so nice to me" I turned my head to him so I can see his face expressions. His face turned from neutral to nervous.
"What. Can I not be nice" he replied.
"No- wait I mean yes but why, from what I observed your far from nice" I rolled my eyes.
I was thankful that he helped me but I just couldn't stop wondering why. Why was Draco Malfoy the pureblood Slytherin Prince being nice to a mudblood Ravenclaw like me.
"Maybe I see you differently than other do" he smiled at me and I smiled back.
We arrived at the Common room faster than I expected. He gently placed my all my books in my hand.
"See you around.....Y/n" he smirked at me as he turned around and walked away.
He left me in complete confusion. How did he know me name to?
Deep down in side me I had a feeling, this wasn't the last time I'm gonna see him. It's only the beginning.

Draco Malfoy ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant