//Dark Mark

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Draco's pov

I caressed my right arm gently. My mind was racing. I wasn't paying attention to anything Professor Slughorn the new potions teacher was saying. I stared off into the distance. I was snapped back into reality by the potions teachers ear splitting voice.

"Merlin's beard! But it's perfect. So perfect I daresay one slip would kill us all" Slughorn was nearly in tears "your mother was a dab hand at potions, but this... My my, what can't you do"
I watched him talk to potter in disgust. "m'boy perhaps you will save us all in the end..." I harshly laughed under my breath and leaned over to y/n
"Either that or he'll die trying..I hope he goes with the second option"
She gave off a slight giggle and I smiled.

After potions me and y/n walked to the Great Hall together for lunch. She was oddly cheerful and I-well I was out of it.
We took out seats at the Slytherin table and began to eat. She grabbed more food than Crabbe and Goyle, Merlin that girl can eat. I just grabbed a green apple. I sat there with my head resting in my hands. I was listening to the conversation y/n was involved in but I wasn't involved myself.

"You think Potter will let us have that Liquid luck, he don't need it" y/n suggested to her friends sitting across from us. I watched her lips move in conversation not noticing I've been staring for an uncomfortable amount of time.
I watched her lips for my name in her mouth.
"Hey are you okay" I felt her rest her hand on my thigh. She look concerned.
"I- I uh I gotta go" I stuttered and quickly speed walked out of the great hall. I could hear her yelling my name, I knew she was running after me. I ran into a random corridor trying to get away from y/n.
I stopped in the middle of the corridor to pull myself together.
I can't tell her what's wrong with me, what I have to do, what I am now. She'll think of me differently me, she'll hate it instead of love me.
"Draco" I felt her presence behind me. We were alone in the corridor. I could run again but she'll only run after me .
"Draco look at me" she harshly grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. I still didn't look at her. I stared at my feet. I felt a not in my throat. I can't cry in front of her. I tried the best I could to hold it in.
"Leave..me..alone" I spat at her. I turned back around and booked it to the boys bathroom.
I slammed my fists onto the sink. I resented looking in the mirror. "It's hot, I'm hot" I freaked out. I ripped off my sweater vest. All the tears started flowing out of me. I stared at the blurry image in the mirror. My face lost its color, my hair was messy and my eyes were red and puffy with bags under them. I screamed at myself. I saw a figure staring at me through the mirror I turned around and flashed my wand at them "Expelliarmus" they dodged my spell.
"Draco stop its me" y/n's voice yelled. I heard a slight crack in the way she yelled my name. I didn't lower my wand.
"Go Away" I yelled at her. She walked closer to me.
"Draco I can help you"
I gave in. "No! No you can't" I aggressively pulled up the sleeve in my right arm reveling my dark mark. I couldn't read the expression on her face. She has no expression. She just stared at it. "You cant help me. I don't want your help. There's nothing you can do y/n so just go"
She sighed.
"Draco I-" I cut her off
"Bloody hell y/n you don't understand, you wind understand just GO" I yelled at her.
"NO!" She yelled. She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me. I dropped my wand and hugged her back. Everything came out of me. All my sadness and anger, it all melted away.

"Draco we can get through this...together. Whatever he has you doing, we'll do it together I'll help you"
I pulled away from our hug and shook my head.
"No.. you can't. I can't let you"
"It's my choice and I choose to help you. What is it"

"I-I have to kill Dumbledore....if I don't he'll kill me" her fave went expressionless again. She can't help me. I will be dragging her into the darkness I want to protect her from.
"It's okay....I uh we can do this" she ran her hands through her hair.
"Y/n I can't let you do this" I pleaded with her.
"I'm not letting you go through this alone"
"I don't have a choice y/n, I have to do this. You have a choice you don't have to. You can be free of this darkness and have a good life. Please"
"A good life free of darkness is with you, and no matter what I choose to stay by your side because I want to. I will always choose you Draco, I will do anything for you and with you and this is only the beginning" she slightly smiled. I stared at her.
"There's no way I can change your mind is there"
She shook her head.
"Well get through this, everything's gonna be okay" she grabbed my arm and placed her hand on my dark mark.
"And this mark means nothing to me, and it doesn't change who you are as a person to me"
She moved her hands up to my face. She pulled me in and I let her kiss me. I needed this kiss. She was the only thing keeping me sane and I loved her for that.

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