//I like you

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*Draco's point of view*

I sat at my desk in potions class not paying attention to anything professor Snape was teaching about Sleeping Draught. I couldn't help but keep my eyes off this one girl. I loved the way she kept blowing her hair out face while she payed attention to Snape. I couldn't help but noticed the way she played with the bracelets on her wrist when she's nervous or the way she scrunched her nose when she didn't understand something. I liked the way she held her air hair in a messy bun all day but once inside the Slytherin common room she let her beautiful long hair fall flawlessly over her shoulders. I loved how confident she was whenever she talked, it was almost like she didn't care what anybody thought of her or what anybody said.
"Mr. Malfoy! Can you tell me what the ingredients for Sleeping Draught are." Professor Snape's Harshly slow voice snapped me out of my stare. I nervously looked around at the other students before looking at Snape.
Y/n was looking at me, waiting for me to answer. Her beautiful eyes piercing my bluish grey ones. I could tell she knew the answer, as did everyone else.
"Mr. Malfoy" Professor Snape's voice sounded again, this time sounding aggressive and annoyed. I looked up at Professor Snape and "uh...." was all I could say. I wasn't paying attention at all, which would probably affect me later since Snape wants us to write essays for everything.
I looked at Y/n again, she was quietly giggling with the girls next to her. Probably making fun of my failed response. Seeing her smile made a small smirk form on my lips.
"Mr. Malfoy I do not tolerate foolishness...Now pay attention" Professor Snape practically yelled at me. He went back to teaching his lesson.
I heard loud laughing coming from the table next to me. I turned my head quickly to shut it down
"What are you laughing at Potter...Weasley." I gave them a dirty look. Merlin, I hated them.

After potions I went straight into the Slytherin common room in the dungeons.  I threw my books onto the table in front of me and sunk down on the black leather sofa. I stared at the sealing for a bit, recalling how dumb and stupid I must have sounded to Y/n. I probably sounded like Potter, I harshly downed myself. I felt the sofa sink besides me.
"Rough hour" I heard a familiar soft yet sexy voice say to me. I slowly turned my head next to me to get a look at who took a seat next to me. It was Y/n. My heart started to pound.
I am thee Draco Malfoy. I couldn't understand how someone could corrupt my mind like she could. Make me feel so mushy and soft inside. I was usually the kind of guy who wasn't afraid to talk to girls. I had confidence, but for some bloody reason that all went away with Y/n.
"Your gonna need help on Snape's essay since you weren't paying attention to anything he said today" Y/n's voice filled my ears with delight. I sat up on the sofa.
"No, no I was paying attention" I lied trying to sound at least somewhat confident.
"No no" she imitated me "how could you be paying attention when you were staring at me the whole time" she smirked.
My heart sank. How could she tell I was staring at her. I was the best at hiding things. no one could tell.
"W-What no" I tried to casually play it off. "I wasn't looking at you" I scoffed.
"I know you weren't looking at Pansy" she caught me in a lie. She was right. I wasn't looking at Pug-face Pansy.
"What do you want from me" I harshly spat out. I felt myself getting defensive even tho I didn't mean to come out rudely
"I would like to know the truth Draco" She told me inching her body closer to mine. Making me feel a little uncomfortable, not that I didn't enjoy it but it made me nervous. I didn't know what to do or say.
"Do you like me" she blurted out. I could tell she was nervous. I watched as her chest moved up and down at a fast pace and she was playing with the bracelets on her wrist.
"Do I Draco Malfoy like you" I laughed. Not knowing how that must have sounded.
"Yes" she nodded. "Do you"
Do I? I asked myself.
"Do I like you" I restated her question again.
I didn't really know if I wanted to answer that question or not. I knew the answer but do I really want her to know it.
She sat there staring blankly at me. I finally came to a decision.
"Yes, Y/n I do like you....if you couldn't already tell" I answered her. She sat there nodding her head at my response.
"That's good.....cause I like you to, meet me in the library in a few, I can help you catch up on everything you missed today." she smirked before standing up to walk away.
"What wait" I yelled for her but I was left alone on the sofa.
She exited the common room with a smile painted across her face.

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