//The sorting

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Y/n stood inside a great big room with a beautiful enchanted sealing, the enchantments made the room magical..and you could clearly see the big bright moon from down under. She stood next to Harry, Ron and Hermione. They're was a bunch of first years surrounding them, also waiting to be sorted. Behind all the students were four large tables filled with older students. Y/n started to felt nervous. The Y/l/n bloodline has always been sorted into Gryffindor, what if she was sorted differently. Her parents would surely frown upon her. She listens closely to the names being called off the list the old woman was reading off of.
"DRACO MALFOY!" she yelled out to all the students in the room. Through the glimpses of moving students she watched a play in blonde boy swagger his way up to the rather dingy looking sorting hat. Before the hat even touched his slicked back locks it screamed

Ron turns to Y/n giving her a look of child disgust "There isn't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin"
Y/n looked closely at the table full of green. The assumed that was Slytherins color. They're emblem was a snake. She didn't care much for the Slytherin house for the whole
Y/l/n bloodline was Gryffindor and proud.
She thought to herself though. If she wasn't sorted into Gryffindor what would that make her to her family? Her parents would surely frown upon her fail to keep up the Y/l/n tradition.

"Harry Potter..." The old professor yelling to stop screaming names. The whole room went silent and Harry awkwardly shifted his way through the crown. He nervously stood as the sorting hat was placed on his head
"Hmmm.... Very difficult..Plenty of courage I see. Not bad minded, either. There's talent..oh yes and thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you" the sorting hat discussed
Y/n watched Harry as he seemed to be mumbling something to himself
"Not Slytherin eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It's all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on your way to greatness! There's no doubt about that! No?"
Harry mumbles some more while the hat talks
"Well, if you are sure..better...be..GRYFFINDOR!" The hat screamed making Y/m jump slightly.
After much much more yells of SLYTHERIN! GRYFFINDOR! RAVENCLAW! HUFFLEPUFF! from the sorting hat. Y/n's name was finally called
"Y/N Y/L/N"
The whole room seemed to get quiet again.
Y/n didn't mind the attention. She was a little famous after all with her father big in the ministry and her mother a well known Auror. She hurried her way up to the sorting hat. Her heart started beating faster that she thought magically possible.
She felt the hat sit on her head and then it spoke.
"mm I see I see...a so called Y/l/n...Bloodline full of Gryffindors, nothing more and nothing less. Talented you are.. yes..I sense courage..lots of courage..stubborn to"
Y/n has hope she would continue the family legacy. She was nearly there.
"But..I sense much much ambition...driven, determined and goal oriented....cunning and resourceful...I know exactly where you belong"
Her heart dropped
"SLYTHERIN!" The hat sounded even louder not that it was on her head. Her thoughts were spinning with we failure of being a Gryffindor. What would her parents think of her now. The Gryffindor table whined at the loss of a generation of  y/l/n. While the green table boasted with joy.
She walked over to the Slytherin table. Seeing the only available seat after such a long ceremony was next to the the platinum blonde boy. She saw he has a smirk plastered on his face. Once she sat down she was attacked by questions from her fellow Slytherins. She couldn't hear a single question let along answer them.
"Back off you goons, us royalty need our personal space" she heard the smirking blonde yell at everyone. She lightly chuckled to herself admiring how arrogant and overly confident this 11 year old really was. He turned to face her.
"Malfoy....Draco Malfoy" he smiled holding out his hand for her to shake. Y/n  shook it proudly. She could tell he wasn't filth, the way he carried himself and the high quality his robes looked she knew at once..he was also just like her in some way.
She smiled back "y/l/n......y/n y/l/n"

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