//just like you

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Draco sat under a big shady tree in the court yard. He sat by himself watching a few of the orange and brown leaves fall from the tree branches. He picked up a leaf and crumpled it in his hand thinking the crunch sound was satisfying. He heard more leaves starting to crunch behind him. Slowly getting louder and louder. He couldn't be bothered to look.

"What are you doing all by yourself" a unfamiliar voice rang from behind him. He looked up at the person talking to him. It was a innocent looking girl wearing Gryffindor robes. Her y/h/c hair flowed nicely in the fall wind. Draco couldn't help but think she was absolutely stunning. Of course though...he couldn't break character for a measly pretty girl.
"None of your business..shoo" he swatted her away like a bug. She sighed and Draco heard the leaves start to crunch again. Once they stopped he also sighed..
Sometimes he wished he didn't have to be so cruel to people, but he was a Malfoy, he has a reputation to uphold. Also he never wanted people to see the real him. He didn't want to be weak and vulnerable. So he build his walls up high.
But once again Draco heard the leaves crunch...annoyed at the second person who was coming to greet him.
"On second though, I might accompany you myself with you" the beautiful Gryffindor came stomping back. She slide down next to Draco, leaning her back against the tree.
"Piss off" Draco spat.
"No I don't think I will" She smiled
"I want to be alone" He frowned
"No one wants to be alone" the girl said
"Well, I want to be alone" Said Draco. She adjusted her body so she was facing him
"No I don't think you do"
He rolled his grey eyes at her and turned his body so his back was facing her. He heard her move and he soon saw her sitting in front of him again.
"I can't be seen with a Gryffindor" he cried and the girl laughed
"Why not" she asked
"I'm Draco Malfoy I talk to filthy Gryffindors"
"Well I'm a Gryffindor and your talking to me, right now" she smirked.
Draco decided to tease she girl, since she seemed to be teasing him.
"Who even are you anyway. I've never seen you before in my life" he asked

"Oh forgive me I'm y/n y/l/n" she greeted. Draco sighed, even her name was beautiful.  Draco hated that some random girl could make him feel a certain way.
"Your in my potions class" Y/n said leaning back against the tree "Pansy always talks about you, that brings me to why I'm here actually"
Draco raised his eye brows "what"
"Why her" she asked him
"What do you mean....Pansy?" He questioned her.
"Yea....you could do so much better...why pug face"
Draco laughed at her comment "I don't know..she's easy"
Y/n rolled her eyes "well I have a friend who's just dying to get to know you" she winked
"Who might that be"
"Oh you met her not long ago actually.....told her to piss off" she smirked.
Draco thought for a moment. It took him a minute to realize she was talking about herself.
"Oh look who finally caught on" she sneered.
Malfoy took sudden interest in her change of attitude
"Ok y/n...why me" he smirked
"Because I see the way you carry yourself...all high and mighty, cold and cruel. It's all an act Draco. Others might be oblivious but I can see right through it. Your just a boy who seeks approval, a boy who has hundreds of friends rich like you but they're not really like you and it makes you feel lonely."
Draco was taken back by her sudden words. He was scared. Scared because she was right. He was seeking approval from others because nothing he ever did seemed to please his father. He had friends but none to which could fill the void in his chest.
He stared at her
"I guess you can be an acceptation in my no Gryffindor rule" he smiled at her
"Oh I'm flattered" she smiled back "but I have to go now..I hope to see you again, Met me tomorrow, same spot. Don't be late"
"I'm a Malfoy I'm never late"

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