Chapter Four: Why can't life be easy?

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Virgil Greenwald POV

I stare at the dorm bedroom. It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. A bed was pushed against the left wall and a small table with a lamp was next to it. A desk was on the right wall, perfectly in the corner closest to the door. A dresser was right next to it, with a clip on lamp clamped to the top. It was a smart setup. When the lamp was turned on, it would illuminate the whole desk. I sighed and slung my black and purple backpack onto the large empty space with a basic gray rug. My suitcase and box were coming tomorrow. That had all my decorations and clothing along with my bed stuff. My mom was unsure how I was going to survive and entire school year with just a box, a suitcase, and a backpack. I told her it was minimalist packing. I could also just teleport home, grab some stuff, and teleport back. 

I grabbed the two outfits I had in my backpack and put them into the dresser. I took out the laptop I had brought and replaced the trashy laptop that had issued by the school. I was surprised that the school didn't have uniforms. The only dress code was that no extremely short shorts, crop tops, heels, skirts/dresses, and dangling earrings could be worn. None of that really applied to me, so I didn't care. The most surprising this is that hoods and hats could be worn. None of the previous three schools I'd previously been to had allowed that. I grabbed the school issued laptop and walked into the corner of the room. Hopefully there was shaddows in the front desk area. 

"Excuse me." I heard a feminine voice say, "What do you need?"

I walked over to the desk and set the laptop down. The person at the desk took the laptop, looking slightly shaken. I turned around and walked into a corner of the room, thinking of my dorm room.


Roman Grace POV

The dorm room was okay. It was a good sized room with a bed on the right, and a desk on the left with a dresser in the middle of the wall I was facing. I focused and dissipated the furniture to who knows where. I thought of the bed I had at home and a queen sized bed with red sheets and pillowcases with a white and gold comforter appeared. I thought of a small bedside table with a lamp and one appeared. I was abusing my power too much. My father would yell at me and tell me to lay off on creating things. I would be starving by the time I finished my room. I thought of a basic dresser, and sure enough one appeared. All I needed was one more item, then I could find some food. I thought about the desk I had at home and it appeared with all the stuff on it as well. I wasn't expecting all of it to appear. 

I turned the lamp on and admired the laptop I had. Me and my dad decorated it before he died. It was the only thing I couldn't replace. I knew it wasn't the real thing. I would never be able to recreate it perfectly. When we made it together I would create each individual piece and my dad would put together the pieces. It was the only thing I  ever created that wouldn't dissipate after a year. I dissipated the fake laptop and took out the real one from my backpack. It was the only real thing I brought with me. I admired the red plastic on the outside and the gold edges. I opened the laptop and saw the screensaver of me, my brother, my dad, and my father. My father wasn't so distant then. 

Ever since my dad died, my father became distant and my twin brother went crazy trying to figure out what happened to him. He was dead set on believing that our dad wasn't dead. He didn't believe the police that said he died in a car crash. He didn't believe them because it was never reported. All that was reported was that an unidentified man died on April 1st, 2017. My brother, Remus believed it was some sort of cruel April Fool's joke. It wasn't. I haven't seen my dad in three years. My eleven year-old self didn't know what was coming. My dad wasn't  there for me and Remus' twelfth birthday. Remus broke and was never the same. I had to live with the fact that my dad was dead. I wiped the tears from my eyes and placed the laptop on the desk.


Patton Sponholz POV

I couldn't tell him. I couldn't tell anyone. I could tell my brother. But I can't tell anyone else. The first name I ever saw. Caitlyn Spirow. Pink. 'Verdana' font. Kyle Canic. Poor guy. Caitlyn was popular. A jerk. A cheerleader. Bland. Like her font. Fonts meant a lot. Colors did too. Kyle was a nice guy. Kind of a nerd. Caitlyn didn't deserve him. Caitlyn belonged with Christopher. Chris for short. Chris was also a jerk. Rude. A bully. A jock. Popular. No one could know. They would bully me. Em wouldn't. That's what I called him. Em. Emile. My twin brother. He would understand. Em would hear voices. Voices of other kids. He heard what they thought of him. I felt bad for him. I knew his soulmate. Remy Pells. I had heard his name. I had seen him. I forgot him when he moved. 

'Kids have superpowers' the TV said one day. I was scared. Em was too. He protected me. He knew what I was going through. He seemed so much better than me. How? We're the same age.

'A.U. High opening for 10-17 year old superpowered kids' The TV said a few years later. Was that us? Could we go there? We wouldn't be judged. We could go. We were 15. 

Was that really why we were here? Our powers suck. They aren't good superhero powers. I wiped my tears away. Why was I so weak? Why does everyone else have cool powers. Seeing soulmates is useless. Even more so when I have to know both people. Ugh. Why can't life be easy. I can't even tell Logan he's my soulmate. What if he rejects me? What if it's too soon? I hate life. I hate my power. I'm useless. I lie down on the bed, turn over, and attempt to fall asleep.


????? ????? POV

I'm still alive. Somehow. They don't know. None of them know. They probably stopped looking for me. April 1st. What a cruel joke. Maybe he'll find the file. Please find the file. Please. It's there. It says everything. Please find me. I'm still alive. Ro-

P: I feel evil.

N: Stop. Just stop.

P: (:

N: Ugh. Bye

P: Bye!

Light and Dark (Sanders Sides Human/ High school/ Superpower/ Soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now