Chapter Two: I don't have the vocabulary to describe what I'm feeling inside.

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Virgil Greenwald POV

I stared at the blue paper in my hand cursing my powers for existing. I pulled my purple and black headphones from around my neck to over my ears. I played the playlist that Remy had created for me. All the songs were made by Thomas Sanders, a relatively famous Youtuber and Viner. People keep saying Vine is going to die, but it's been around for seven years, so those chances are low. The first song that played was 'The Things We Used to Share'. It was really sad, but I couldn't bring myself to skip it. I got to the elevator and pressed the up button. After what felt like 10 minutes later Remy had appeared behind me and the elevator doors slid open. We both stepped inside, not saying a word. I pressed the 2 button and he pressed the 3 button. The elevator doors slid shut and lurched up. The elevator stopped moving and the doors slid open. I walked into the hall, turned left and looked at the numbered doors. I spotted room 527 and I took out my key-card. I swiped the card in the reader and the door clicked open. I walked through the now open door, bracing myself for the worst.


Roman Grace POV

The door to the common room swung open and the c̶u̶t̶e̶  boy from earlier walked in.

"So we're roommates?" He asked.

"It would seem like that, yes." I responded.

Why would you say that Roman? That was stupid sounding. He probably hates you.

"Do you have any clue who our other two roommates could possibly be?" the c̶u̶t̶e̶ boy asked.

"Logan already claimed his room and is currently unpacking. I don't know about the other person though." I responded.

"Which room is yours?" He asked.

"I didn't choose yet. Logan's is the one with the navy blue L on it." I responded, hoping that it was enough.

He walked over to the room farthest away from the TV and placed something on it that he grabbed from his purple and black backpack. That made sense. The walls were thin and sound easily travels through them. I got off the couch and claimed the room across from them c̶u̶t̶e̶ boy's room. I glanced at his door and saw a purple storm cloud hung on it. I dug inside my empty red, white, and gold backpack and grabbed a red and gold sparkly R and hung it on the hook on my door. I didn't need anything in my backpack. I could just create whatever I needed. I would stay for a whole year too. It broke Logan's logical mind because it didn't follow some sciencey law that he learned about in 6th grade.


Emile Sponholz POV

"I can't believe it!" Patton screeched, "I can't believe I finally found my soulmate!"

"Patton, calm down." I said urgently .

He ignored me and rolled to dorm building 5. I sprinted after him and we reached the elevator at the same time. He pressed the up button and the elevator and the elevator doors slid open. We stepped inside along with a boy in a red hoodie and hoodie squealed. The boy in the red hoodie looked at him strangely.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I don't have the vocabulary to describe what I'm feeling inside!" He half-yelled.

The poor boy in the red hoodie flinched back.

"I love the reference, but care to elaborate?" I asked feeling really bad for the boy in the red hoodie.

"Well, I found my soulmate and we're in the same building!" He screeched.

The boy in the red hoodie looked truly concerned and terrified and managed to stutter out, "A-Are y-you g-going to p-press a button?"

"Sorry," Patton sheepishly said.

I pressed the 3 button and he pressed the 2 button. The boy in the red hoodie stayed in the corner of the elevator. The elevator lurched up and beeps after about 10 seconds. The doors slid open and Patton stepped out into the hall. The boy in the red hoodie stepped out into the hall after him. The doors slid shut and rose to the third floor. I walked to room 532. I swiped my card and the door swung open with a soft click.


Logan Counterman POV

I set down the book I was reading and opened the the door to my room. I heard Roman's door click shut and the front door clicked open. I stepped into the common area and saw the boy who ran away from me earlier. I believe his name is Patton.

He gasps upon seeing me and awkwardly waves, "H-Hi Logan."

"Greetings Patton." I replied.

"A-Are the others here?" He asked.

"Yes, they have claimed their rooms. The one open room is by the TV." I responded.

"Thanks." He smiled and walked to his rooms door.

The door clicked open and he disappeared inside. I wanted to know why he was so scared of me but I didn't want to risk passing out for a week again. You may be wondering why I passed out. I'll tell you. You seem trustworthy enough. I can see the future. I can look at one full minute of time up to three hours from the current time with no consequences. If it's any longer than that, I'll pass out for that long.

Logan! The fourth wall!!!!

I have a second chapter! Heere you go two readers! And whoever's reading this, can you please comment? I want to know who's reading my story. I'm just curious.


Light and Dark (Sanders Sides Human/ High school/ Superpower/ Soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now