Chapter Three: The fourth wall is fragile!

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Remy Pells POV

I heard the front door slam shut so I placed (threw) my phone on the ground so I could greet the newcomer. I carefully (recklessly) opened the door and saw Emile standing in the doorway.

"Emile!" I said (screeched) excitedly.

"We share dorms!? I can't believe it!" Emile screeched, smiling.

"I know why we're in the same room." I smirked.

"Why?" He asked.

"Plot convenience." I told him.

n~ Remy! Stop! The fourth wall is fragile! I only have so much duct tape and it's expensive!

"And the authors are lazy." I continued.

p~ We're not lazy!

n~ We just don't feel like updating!"

"Wha-? Plot? What authors?" He asked.

p~ Remy!

n~ STOP!

"Apparently I'm not allowed to break walls." I responded.

p~ You are on thin f***ing ice.


p~ We're older than 13. We can swear.

n~ please stop.

"Sorry." I told Emile.

"About what?" He asked.

"Nothing." I responded with guilt.

"It's okay. You can tell me anything." He comforted, pulling me in for a hug.

"I know." I whispered.

I wasn't sure if he heard me or not. I wasn't going to get my answer though because some idiot kicked down the door.

n~ We both agree to never write Remy's point of view any more, right?

p~ Agreed. Also you never told the two or three readers about me.

n~ Right. So I'm co-writing this book with @PearlJackson17 who's not going to publish it on her account for some unknown reason.

p~ My writing sucks and I don't want people to see it.

n~ You should check out her stories. She writes PJO fanfics.


n~ P! Your stories aren't trash!

p~ anyways.

Remus Grace POV

Crash! The door to room 532 fell to the ground.

"Thanks Jeremy! Heere are your $80 dollars as promised." I told the boy in the striped shirt, handing him four 20 dollar bills.

He took the money and ran down the stairs. The illusion dissipated and the door was simply open.

"Why are you so extra Remus?" Bill, my boyfriend asked.

"You know me. This was barely extra at all!" I told him.

"I'm very sorry for Remus here." Bill apologized to the two guys standing in the doorway hugging.

"It's okay." The boy wearing a tan sweater said with a smile, "I'm Emile Sponholz by the way."

"And I'm Remy Pells, Emile's boyfriend." The boy wearing black and white said.

"I'm Bill, but everyone calls me Deceit." Bill lied.

"No one calls you Deceit." I said, receiving a hiss from Bill, " I'm Remus Grace."

"Hello Remus." Emile said with a smile while holding his hand out.

He must of wanted to shake hands or something because why else would he stick his hand out? I shook his hand and said, "Hi Emile."


Kid in the Red Hoodie POV

The people at this school are crazy. I don't know how to survive here. Some kid was yelling about soulmates. Did they know my soulmate? Stop asking so many questions Michael! You can make it through this, just make it to room 521. You can do it! I hear a faint crash from the floor above mine then running. I don't try to listen more because I don't want to get a headache. I stand in front of my door like a maniac and I hear the elevator ding. I hear someone one walk out and turn towards me. I slip my key-card out of my pocket and through the scanner. I step into the room but don't hear the door shut behind me. I listen closer and hear a distinctive breathing pattern. One that I knew quite well. One I had heard every day since 1st grade.

"Jeremy?" I asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I-we share a dorm." He stammered out.

"Why are you holding money?" I asked, concerned he was dealing drugs or something.

"Some psycho kid asked me to create the illusion of him kicking down a door so he could 'make an entrance'" He explained.

That made more sense. He followed me into the dorm room and the door clicked shut.


Bill (Deceit) ???? POV

Remus is an idiot. It's so obvious. I know for a fact he likes me. It's so obvious. I don't like him back. I think. Feelings are complicated.

N: Hey readers, sorry this took so long. I've been busy doing absolutely nothing. I've had zero plot ideas.

P: And you hate mine.

N: I do not!

P: Yeah you do.

N: Anyways, Bye!

P: Bye!

Light and Dark (Sanders Sides Human/ High school/ Superpower/ Soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now