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Virgil Greenwald POV

I waved back at my mom, who was standing at the front gate. She looked like she was about to cry. I hated the idea of this boarding school. It was just meant to keep us all in one place. I also have to leave my mom all alone. I sighed and continued towards the front door.

"Roman! Come back! You're too fast!" I heard someone monotonously shout. How does one monotonously shout? I have no clue.

I glanced behind me and saw someone with brown hair barreling towards me, seeming to have no intention of stopping. I opened my mouth to scream, but I felt something hit me before anything left my mouth.

(The note-cards on the top are all the characters. The rest is pretty self explanatory.


Light and Dark (Sanders Sides Human/ High school/ Superpower/ Soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now