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I feel so embarrassed about the words I just said. I was so jealous of seeing him get along with Oly so much. I lost sight of the trust I had in him. How can I ever think Percy would cheat on me. He never would. Especially, when we actually have plans to settle in Rome. I can never forgive myself. It was a lie, I would have absolutely died in the River Cocytus, the River of sorrow and misery, listening to all those wailing noises, it was his presence that kept me alive there. I'm sorry Percy I need to tell this to him a trillion times, but somehow, I just stay stunned as we walk our way to the big room to meet Chiron and Mr.D to convey the prophecy. Percy walking ahead of me. I know deep down that my actions are weighing him down, just like the ocean, has a glassy appearance above, hiding and sinking all the battered feelings deep inside it. I'm sorry Percy my message seems to travel still he doesn't turn. I must apologise to Oly and Scarlett as well, that's when Scarlett walks beside me.

"Hi Annabeth, mind if I walk along with you." Her amber eyes dazzled with curiosity.

"Sure, I'm sorry. Ahem, I wasn't very friendly." Purely being genuine to her.

"Ohh you don't have to worry about that I can understand. It's actually Percy to whom you need to apologise not me and consider Oly as well cause.. she.." Scarlett  stammered.

"She what?" Have they discussed about me earlier?

"She likes you a lot. When we were seated around the strawberry bush, Oly told me that she was a bit hurt by your behaviour though; even she understands your situation. Yet, she kept telling that you're the wisest among all and a chat with you would be the warmest thing that could happen to her. She has read a lot about you unlike me get it right"

"I sure do, I will make up for it. " I confirm. Still maintaining a steady pace side-by her.

"So.. By saying Tartarus, you mean the God after Chaos (void) and Gaea (mother earth), he is the abyss, a dark haunting place to torment the Titans and also deadly creatures. A part of the underworld, you have been there?" A puzzled, flabbergast gaze glinted on her features.

"You are curious about Tartarus more than the quest?" I find it humorous on her enthusiasm towards Tartarus.

"Well...a little bit."

"Fine, I will tell you everything. See, Thalia is missing.."

"Who's Thalia first?" God!!! I suck at filling-in proper details.

"She is the daughter of Zeus. Lord of the sky. Thalia actually joined the hunters group last summer."

"What's the hunter's group?" she is really trying hard to know everything before setting forth on this quest. A daughter of Athena, no doubt she is so analytical.

" Ummm you know Artemis? The goddess of maidenhood, Archery, Wilderness and also The Goddess of Moon. Young maiden girls will be recruited known as Hunters Of Artemis, these maidens can be a mortal, demigod or even nymph. By pledging your service to Artemis the girls would reject love for eternity, as a reward they gain eternal youth and immortality. Unless you are immensely hurt in the battlefield."

"And, Thalia joined the group?"She implores, her eyes now are scouting for more answers.

"She hated the group from the very beginning but in order to prevent a prophecy, which is as huge as Grey's Anatomy. We will discuss it later. Now Thalia is been missing for the past two days, we received the information from the Hunters group, a few minutes before your arrival. So, I'm probably guessing..."

"Both the events are linked in a manner." She added with a daze.

"Exactly and also the lost gem can mean Thalia, so a quest is something, where we move ahead to save someone or something by assuming the words recited. Last year, we were granted the prophecy of seven, where seven demigods headed on a trail so dangerous that ... it tested our abilities to Live or Die in the cruellest ways, I accidentaly got pulled into Tartarus (another huge story) and Percy ...

"Gladly fell into it along with you" she completed the sentence for me, by sprinkling love in those words.

A few minutes passed by in silence.

"Let me guess, this prophecy is from the Oracle of Delphi, as a gift from Apollo and Rachel is actually a mortal who is been blessed with this ability" She is truly a smart one.

"You are way close to the truth, a mortal maiden who can see through the Mist, you know what a Mist is right?"

"Yes, yes Percy mentioned about that."

"Good.. so that mortal can choose to inherit the power of Delphi. But, the spirit of Oracle was cursed by Hades since a prophecy threw his mortal family in danger!"

"What kind of danger.?" The prying Scarlett is back.

"The Big three Gods Zeus, Poseidon and Hades took an oath, not to bear any more demigod children since a prophecy claimed that one of those demigod children would have the power to overthrow them. Hades already had two kids Bianca and Nico way before claiming the oath. This prophecy caused a threat to their presence, it is said that Zeus ordered Hades to send his kids to the camp, but Hades feared Zeus might kill them, and as expected Zeus sent a lightning bolt to kill them and Hades wife Maria di Angelo died ... And the whole reason for such a disaster was...

"The prophecy," she remarked.

"Yes, so he cursed that as long as his children remain as outcasts, a spirit of the oracle would never pass on to another host. Even after the present bodies death, the oracles spirit was cursed to remain in the same host, it decayed and rotted-away, can you see the attic out there, it was stored in that place...

 Even after the present bodies death, the oracles spirit was cursed to remain in the same host, it decayed and rotted-away, can you see the attic out there, it was stored in that place

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Later..when another prophecy... " I can no longer continue as it involves Luke, and even after all these years .....

"What's wrong, shall we will talk about it later." She quickly nailed the unpleasant vibe and withdraw the subject immediately.

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