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 Rachel the red-haired girl walks in our direction.

"Hi Olympia, Hi Scarlett". She gives a warm smile.

"You know our names, she wasn't present when Percy introduced us?" Scarlett queries gawking at Rachel unusually.

" I actually felt you would be visiting us today," Rachel replies gladly.

"You did! So you know where will  we be heading? Scarlett seemed to be carried away with all the magical histories going on around us. She will soon be frightened to death once she meets those ...Deathly creatures.

"Not exactly but I half hoped two demigods would be arriving". The expression of kindness permanently plastered on her face. I feel something is not right with Rachel, she's holding back something or it's just my mind playing tricks.

"How did you guess that". Scarlett goes all over again.

"Sorry, my apologies for not introducing. This is Rachel a mortal but is blessed with the gift of sight. She could see through the mist".  Percy began with his narration

"What Mist?" Scarlett just can't stay quiet.

"Mortal people cannot see monsters or the creature's of the underworld because of the Mist, it keeps the mortal souls from noticing the truth, suppose there is a Minotaur or a Gorgon moving, the mortals will be able to see it like a dog or a bird flying. The Gods use this Mist to cover up their secret of existence. But Rachel can see through the mist. The weapons we use, the monsters, and the rest.

"That's cool" Scarlett yelled joyously.

"No, it isn't trust me, Scarlett, you will realise it once you see one." Rachel is right, every Gift comes with a price. Suddenly her eyes shone serpent green, a powerful camouflage appearing around her, like the ones you see in horror movies and recited a prophecy

"You will find the lost gem

Where the two worlds meet,

A traitor and a saviour

Is all you will see,

A wee mistake leads

the history to repeat".

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