Chapter 13: Together and Whole (Marriage Arc 4/4)

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This chapter takes place the morning after our favorite finally consummated their love for each other. 

Now let us see what happens next.

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Syaoran turned over to throw his arm around Sakura, but was met with nothing but empty space. Opening his eyes, they were immediately accosted by sunlight, telling him morning had arrived. The indent in the sheets beside him was still clinging to warmth, signifying that she hadn't been up long, and the sound of rushing water told him why she'd gotten up in the first place.

He understood; he was still covered in dried sweat, himself, and it was certainly not the most comfortable he'd ever been. So he couldn't blame her for wanting to shower first thing.

It was then that his mind screeched to a deafening halt. Last night hadn't been a dream – they'd really...

Suddenly he was gripped with an anxiety so terrifying that it took all his self-control not to lean over the bed and empty his stomach. What had come over them? Had they even been thinking straight, or was this an impulsive decision on both their parts? Would it make things awkward between them? Could it. . . ruin their new marriage? That thought was most condemning of all. What if they'd ruined this beautiful love they'd shared for years with one night's passionate judgment. . .?

Everything slowed to a crawl as a darker corner of his mind conjured up another reason for why Sakura might have washed almost immediately after their lovemaking. Had she felt dirty? Not so much in the physical sense, but psychologically? He felt he might be sick, after all.

But still, she'd looked so happy when it was over. . . That couldn't be true, could it? He was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he didn't notice Sakura watching him quietly from the doorway.

Sakura, for her part, was resigned to see this through. She'd thought about last night a lot in the shower, having needed to get away from him to think straight. She silently watched him go through the same emotions, now, the evidence clear on his face.

'Maybe we did go too far, too soon, but there's nothing we can do about it now, if we love each other,' she decided resolutely.

She wore only a towel – something she'd never have even considered doing until now, but what was the point? Modesty and embarrassment seemed like defeated concepts in her brain at this point.

Perhaps things could never truly go back to the way they had been yesterday afternoon, but was that a deal-breaker? Their relationship had been constantly changing ever since the day they met, and it had only brought them closer. There was no way she was letting it do anything else, this time.

With a start, she realized she'd been staring at him for a long time. He had long since noticed her there and was fluctuating between giving her sad, amber-colored puppy dog eyes and burning a hole in the mattress with his gaze. She wished she had the right answers for him. For them both.

With a shaky sigh she stepped into the room, sitting beside him on the bed and disarming him with her own gentle jade-eyed fixation. "I'm not upset," she told him. "Or angry, or anything like that. Just. . . confused, like I know you probably are."

He looked down at that. "I just. . . never expected us to take that step yet," he confessed. "We'd even talked about waiting, and now... I'm just scared we screwed up."

Despite the seriousness of the moment, Sakura smiled for him and took his hand in hers. "Even if we did screw up, we'll move past it. We still have our whole lives ahead of us, after all." She lifted their clasped hands and kissed his knuckles before moving forward, pressing their bodies together in a fierce embrace. "I love you... So, so much, Syaoran. This could never change that."

Cherry Blossom's Wolf: Sakura-X-Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now