Chapter 10: Catch You Catch Me (Marriage Arc 1/4)

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This one goes out to my childhood friend (and current roomate as of this update) Val for proofreading, editing assistance  and giving me her input in the relationship of our favorite couple.  

This is the first part of our four part finally. This will be the shortest of the four but there is a small bit of character development I need to get out of the way. Not just our main couple (who have developed in ways that they don't relies) but one specific character who I belive deserves closure, like Tomoyo, albeit in a different way.

Also, to ovoid nitpicks, in the previous chapter, yes I went with the anime adaption, where Sakura gave Syaoran a scarf, instead of a yukata. I was introduced to this series through the anime, so don't don't be surprised if I incorporate elements from those adaptations in my fanfics.  


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Sakura had emphatically insisted on a Taoist wedding. After asking him about them once, she'd done her own research and decided they were simply beautiful. Growing up with a Taoist family, it's not like he found much reason to complain, not that he would deny his favorite girl anything, anyway.

In the changing room, he took a deep, calming breath and exhaled slowly. Tōya had come in a little earlier, surprisingly to soothe his nervousness with a little brotherly advice, though his soon-to-be brother-in-law wouldn't be himself without the added threat of: "If you dare get cold feet on my little sister and hurt her, I'll make sure you don't have any feet."

The feelings that swam through him were of course of trepidation; this was the biggest step he'd ever taken in life, and he just hoped he could make Sakura happy. The other part of him however, couldn't be more ecstatic about the whole thing. He was marrying Sakura – the woman he loved more than life itself! Every fiber of his being tingled with euphoria at the mere thought, and it bubbled within him until manifesting itself as a brilliant smile that he couldn't wipe off his face.

"You look happy," a kind voice interrupted his reverie, and he looked up to see Fujitaka's smiling face. "I'm glad. That means I can welcome you into the family without having to talk you down from whatever coercion Tōya-kun left you with," the man chuckled warmly.

Syaoran relaxed in the man's presence instantly, as he always found himself doing, and bowed politely with smile in place. There was something about his soon-to-be father-in-law that could soothe even marriage jitters, leaving just the good feelings. He was a lot like Sakura herself in that regard, he supposed. In fact, the only part of Sakura that resembled her brother at all in his eyes was her rare temper.

"Nadeshiko-san offers her welcomes and congratulations as well," he continued happily.

"Is she. . . here?" the thought obviously awed him. Both that Sakura's father could see spirits now, and that his love's mother would descend from the heavens themselves to congratulate him on marrying her daughter.

"She was briefly, but I think she went to see Sakura-san."

Syaoran looked down at that. "How. . . How is Sakura?"

A hand came up to clasp his shoulder gently, in a soothing manner. "She's her usual cheerful self, and more excited than I've ever seen her. There's no need to worry – she wants this as much as I'm sure you do."

"I just want her to be happy. . ."

The hand on his shoulder squeezed. "You make her happy. That's obvious, even to Tōya-kun, which is why he's been easing up, even though you're taking his beloved little sister away from him."

Cherry Blossom's Wolf: Sakura-X-Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now