Chapter 9: Night of Stars (Festival Arc 4/4)

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Dozens of lights dotted the water's surface when they reached the river, most couples having gathered to pray to the twin star lovers.

"It's so pretty! Isn't it pretty, Syaoran-kun?"

He was staring at her again when he answered, transfixed by the way the soft glowing lantern lights reflected off her jade eyes.

"Yeah. . ."

She giggled at his consistently blunt answers, before tugging him over to the water's edge. 

Finding a strong point of the current, Sakura filled the petals of their paper lotus with the colored slips of paper containing the written wishes, and placed it reverently atop the water. It drifted languidly downstream until it joined the other lights and was no longer distinguishable from its brethren. They both watched it go contentedly, before Syaoran looked at Sakura again, noticing she seemed deep in thought.

Sakura finally tore her eyes away from the sea of lanterns to fix her gaze on the similarly glimmering mass of stars, where two bright sapphires shone from separate sides of the Milky Way. 'Thank you for letting me stay beside Syaoran-kun, and not keeping us separated like you were forced to be.'

"Is something bothering you?" his concerned voice broke her out of her thoughts.

Shaking her head slowly, she smiled warmly. "No, just thinking about them."

Lifting his eyes to the two stars she'd just been looking at, he caught her meaning. "I guess it's a sad story," he agreed, "But it teaches couples not to take each other for granted and live every day together to the fullest."

"It's not just that. . . I'm glad we didn't end up like them," she stated somberly.

His hand was suddenly on her shoulder, prompting her to look up at him. "I never would have told you I loved you if I'd planned to just leave you, Sakura. Even if my family was against it, I would have found a way to come back to you."

"Syaoran-kun. . ."

Blushing a little at the utter adoration in her eyes, he cleared his throat and stroked his thumb over the shoulder he rested his hand on. "Anyway, you've been carrying that little package around since we left your house. Are you planning to tell me what it is?"

It was her turn to blush this time, as she looked between him and the parcel like she'd forgotten she had it. "Uh, here!" she stammered, and offered it to him awkwardly.

"For me?" he sounded surprised, "Thank you. . . Can I open it?"

She nodded stiffly. "I know it's off-season, but last time I was at your apartment I noticed yours was so worn out. . . You've had it about eight years, after all."

He pulled away the carefully wrapped paper, revealing a dark green scarf. Running his fingers over the knitted kanji for his name, he smiled.

"I-If you don't like it, I can make you something else. You just seemed to use the last one I made you so much that I-"

He leaned in to capture her lips with his own, effectively silencing her. When he pulled away, she was positively crimson. "I like it. And you're right, I did need another one. This is perfect, Sakura."

If she could glow any brighter – both in color and figuratively – he didn't know, but he held on to the image, embracing her tightly and kissing her forehead. He hoped she would look like this on their wedding day.

The stars sparkled down at them tonight.

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