Chapter 2: Fluctuating Illness (Illness Arc 2/5)

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Sorry for the wait. A lot has been going on, so it's been becoming more and more difficult to edit these chapters, let alone find the time to update them.

However, as of this coming week I'll be free to upload one more chapter

* * * * * 

Sakura was awoken not two hours later, by the beeping of a thermometer. Opening her eyes with difficulty, she was met with the concerned ones of her brother.

"Onii-chan. . .? What are you doing home? I thought you had evening and night classes, today with-" her inquiry was cut off by a spasm of violent coughing. When had that started?

"Yuki sent me home early. He said his other self was feeling odd, so I should check up on you," Tōya glanced at the thermometer he'd taken from her. "Good thing, too. Looks like even monsters can catch the flu, huh?"

Blushing at the notion of Yue and Yukito knowing she wasn't feeling well without even being there, she pulled the covers over her face to hide it. "'M-not a monster. . ." she insisted distractedly, lacking its usual heat.

"Sakura," Kero drawled miserably, floating up beside her brother, "I feel really weak, too. This punk called me a stuffed animal, so I tried to show him my true form and shut his mouth, but I couldn't change!"

"Is there something wrong with my magic?" she glanced worriedly towards the book housing the Sakura Cards.

"Hmmm. . . It's true that the Cards, and Yue and I need your magic to sustain ours. . ."

Her look was horrified, so Tōya interrupted, "It's just because you're sick, right? The flu this season is really bad. Your body is likely just too worn out to maintain the powers needed," he shrugged and looked away, "Maybe."

Kero was quick with his two cents, "That's right! The Cards and I will be fine for a while, and Yue still has your brother's magic to get by. Cheer up!"

She hummed in acknowledgment, but sounded unconvinced. Another coughing fit wracked her frame, and Tōya and Kero looked at each other in concern. The winged creature fluttered over to where the little green teddy bear Syaoran had made her lie on the headboard, lifting it carefully to set it beside her on the pillow. Tōya glared at the object, but made no protest.

"Get some rest, okay, kiddo?" Kero told her with a pat to the head.

She could only hold the bear to her and smile gratefully.

* * * * * 


"You pinch the dough at the top and pull gently. Just like that, yeah. Don't be afraid to push a little, it'll help form the shape."

Sakura stuck her tongue out in concentration as she did as instructed. Syaoran was watching her progress while his hands were skillfully preoccupied with painting food coloring on the finished batch of Sou Tao for New Years.

Having molded the dough successfully into the shape of a peach, she looked to him for approval, to which he smiled and nodded.

"Good, now you take the blunt end of a knife and make the peach's seam, from top to bottom. Then we can steam them."

"Syaoran-kun, you're good at this kind of thing, huh?"

He blushed and turned back to his work, small smile still in place.

Cherry Blossom's Wolf: Sakura-X-Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura FanFic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя