Chapter 4: Cherry Blossom's Conduit (Illness Arc 4/5)

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I'd mentioned before that this chapter would be the final to the Illness Arc, however, due to personal reasons, chapter 5 will be the real ending, with the Festival Arc starting at Chapter 6.

* * * * *

Syaoran kicked someone's discarded soda can absentmindedly, narrowing his eyes at the pavement. Sakura wasn't in their usual meeting spot. He'd expected she was getting sick, of course, but she wasn't one to miss school, regardless. He knew he hadn't been paying as much attention to her as he should; his mind was almost fully preoccupied with the rather pressing matter presented to him by his family recently.

A bike bell chimed from behind him, but he paid it no mind, simply moving to the side so that it could pass. However he was stopped by a familiar, yet wholly unwelcome voice.

"Yo, brat."

Scowling, Syaoran turned to face his love's brother grudgingly. What was he even doing here? He had a different campus, now.

"What?" he asked point blank, not willing to waste time mincing words when it wouldn't win him any approval points.

The older boy was still taller, but Syaoran was quickly catching up and they were practically eye level when they glowered at each other.

"My little sister's sick."

Syaoran's glare softened at the mention of Sakura, and he broke eye contact.

"I know," he admitted, "Is she. . . okay?"

Tōya's stare was stern, but belied his concern for his sister, "She's not doing too well. Her body's gotten so weak it can't support her magic and it's putting her through a lot of strain." He looked away as well, "So you should hurry up and– hey!"

The boy was already running back the other way, away from school and towards the very place Tōya had come from. The man shook his head and glared at the previously kicked can.

'Tch, why did I have to tell the stupid brat, anyway?'

* * * * *

Sakura's head felt like it was made of lead. She couldn't even tilt it to change its position and get the knots out of her neck. Her stomach felt hot and twisted with nausea, made worse by the now almost constant pressure of her magic humming dangerously against her insides. It was so painful and scary, and she just wanted to curl up in a ball and make it go away, but her weak limbs wouldn't even let her do that much.

'Hurts. . .'

Then, softly, blessedly, a hand made contact with her clammy skin, smoothing back her bangs and leaving a trail of refreshing coolness in its wake.


She wanted to open her eyes and find out, but she may as well have tried to move twin slabs of stone. So she gave up and merely relaxed into the touch, feeling the bed shift as whoever it was sat down beside her. Next thing she knew, she was in heaven when a chilled washcloth was dragged across her face and neck, soothing away the heavy beads of sweat. Despite the fatigue, she felt herself sigh softly, and her lips turn upward. The presence beside her shifted to lie down, and strong arms wrapped around her, bringing with them a familiar scent and aura.

'Is this another dream?' she wondered fuzzily, but found she couldn't really bring herself to care at the moment, enveloped in warmth and comfort.

Suddenly, the arms brought another sensation, and she nearly gasped as the pressure of excess magic was removed, pulled away from her gently and taken into the body next to her.

* * * * *

Tōya may have lost his sixth sense when he'd given his powers to Yukito and his other self, but he wasn't stupid. He knew something more than what met the naked eye was going on between the brat and his sister. Syaoran was wrapped around her, with a look of concentration on his face, and a little color was slowly seeping back into Sakura's face.

"What are you doing?" he demanded. He knew he could trust the kid when it came to Sakura, but he didn't have to like it.

Syaoran didn't open his eyes or even turn towards him.

"Her magic has built up too much and it's causing her body a lot of stress, like you said."

Tōya nodded, leaning back against the wall, "So, what are you doing?"

Syaoran was silent for a moment, making him want to strangle him even more, before he finally answered, "I'm taking the excess magic into myself temporarily, so she can recover easier."

The man 'humph'ed before reluctantly nodding in acceptance, but not without punching his fist into his open palm with the threat of, "I'll get you for hugging my sister, later, brat."

Syaoran finally opened his eyes when he heard the door click shut. He had taken in a considerable amount, but he feared taking it all at once would only prove bad for both their bodies. He'd have to move slowly.

Breath fanning against her forehead, he allowed himself a moment to relax after expending so much energy, before he dipped the cloth in the cool basin of water he'd brought up, again. She was still warm with fever, after all. Smoothing the material over her cheeks and under her eyes, where the most sweat was gathering, he pressed a kiss to the newly cleaned skin.

'Open your beautiful eyes for me soon, Sakura. . .'

* * * * *


I know that this was a short chapter, but look at the bright side, Sakura is on the road to recovery.

Anyway; I hope you enjoyed that chapter.

Cherry Blossom's Wolf: Sakura-X-Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura FanFic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin