Chapter 6: Future Wish (Festival Arc 1/4)

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I know it's been a while since I've last updated. But before I begin, I'd like to ask: How's everyone been doing with self quarantine?

Currently the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is causing everyone's lives to be a living hell, but we can get through this. Wattpad can still be used to brighten our days now more then ever, whether your a reader, a writer, our both. Keep up the good work and this whole drama will be over before you know it.

Moving on.

There is a bit of a time skip since the last chapter.

Something I would like to confirm, in case anyone was wondering, is that Sekura and Syaoran were 16 in the last arc and are now 18 in this one, and 14 & 15 during the flashbacks.

One last thing: I would like to give a HUGE shout out to the following readers:




Thanking you all for your comments. Although they were brief, they still gave me the motivation to continue and finish this story.

I present to you the first chapter of the festival arc


* * * * *

"Sakura, it's too dangerous! Come down, I'll do it!"

"Syaoran-kun, you worry too much!" the girl called down from where she was straining precariously on a tree branch, attempting to return a fuzzy baby bird to its nest. "It's not that high, and he hopped up to me!"

"Well it'd be one thing if you still had your staff, but even that's gone now," he protested further, his arms twitching as though poised to catch her at any moment.

"We're at school," she explained good-naturedly, "I wouldn't use the Cards even if I could - ah! There, you're safe now," she cooed, gently stroking the chick's head before looking down at Syaoran with a triumphant grin. "You have your wind summon magic, don't you? Doesn't that make you feel better?" she snickered, apparently finding it amusing that she could turn the mighty Syaoran into such a nervous mess.

"I'll feel better when you're down," he groaned in exasperation.

She moved away from the nest, and he thought she was going to come down at last, but she paused, much to his consternation.

". . . Syaoran-kun?"


She blushed, "Could you help me, please? My skirt. . ."

Matching her shade of red, he nodded before climbing up - not sure whether he was elated or unhappy about having to rescue her after all.

Moments later, both were safely on the ground and relatively unscathed, minus a few scratches from the bark. Syaoran was reluctant to let go of her, somehow convinced she was grievously wounded or something, she figured.

Ignoring his incessant attentions, Sakura stretched her arms above her head - to which he responded by flicking his eyes over the exposed skin for injury - and sighed.

"That was fun," she remarked playfully, making him glare. "Almost like the old days."

Syaoran brushed the loose debris from his uniform and snorted, "Yeah, well. . . I think that's enough adventuring for one day. Time to go home and live our now-normal lives."

Cherry Blossom's Wolf: Sakura-X-Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now