Chapter 8: Festival for Lovers (Festival Arc 3/4)

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Not much to say here. 

All though, you will see a small hint of the lust that goes hand and hand with their love. I'd already hinted this in a previous chapter on Sakura's end during the flashbacks. This time you will get it on Syaoran's end.

Here's that double feature I'd promised.


* * * * *

The next day at school passed quickly and uneventfully for the young couple. The festival held in Tomoeda that night promised to be warm and rain-free, and Sakura was prattling on about how happy she was that the lovers would be able to meet while they walked home.

"Hey, Syaoran-kun, what yukata do you think I should wear tonight?" her excitement was a tangible thing.

He shrugged, though his amusement showed in his small smile.

"What about the one you wore last year? You looked really pretty and it matched your ring."

Sakura giggled. The year prior, she'd come across some emerald fabric that matched her eyes perfectly, adorned with pink cherry blossoms just like her promise ring, and sewn it into a rather stunning summer kimono.

"I suppose there's no need to fix what isn't broken," she tittered, "I'll get it ready when I get home."

* * * * *

That night, Kero kept well out of the way as Hurricane Sakura swept through the room to prepare for Syaoran picking her up. Her hair was down, with a forgotten decorative pin still clenched between her teeth, as she tied and re-tied her obi compulsively.

Timidly, her guardian fluttered up to take the hair pin – a modest cherry blossom piece – and place it in her short locks. "Two lovers that were punished for being together and cursed to be stars separated by the Heavenly River, huh?" he sighed. "But it's not raining tonight, so the magpies can fly up and form a bridge for them, right?"

"Syaoran-kun says the story about that's a little different in China, but yes; that's why I'm in such a good mood!"

"I'm happy about that, but why make a festival for lovers?"


Kero's eyes took on a heavenly shine.

"Festivals should be about the food!"

Sakura snickered a little before finally deciding the pink obi holding her yukata together was satisfactory, and grabbing the orange creature to swing him around happily. "Kero-chan, if you're good, I'll be sure to bring back some treats for you!" she lilted in a sing-song voice, heedless of his increasing dizziness.

Breaking away before he was sick, Kero vigorously belted out his approval, "Right! I want modanyaki and the dango I didn't get yesterday!"

She giggled before nodding exuberantly, her good mood blossoming even further.

Just then there was the ring of the doorbell, and Sakura sped down the stairs before her brother could answer, grabbing her coin purse and a small package before leaving her drooling guardian behind.

* * * * *

Even with such a clear night, it wasn't very crowded and there was plenty of room on the handful of carnival rides available. They partook in some of the more leisurely ones, enjoying the warm night air and each other's company. He won her a few plushies at the games; they ate takoyaki and sampled different types of wagashi, making a game out of picking the best ones to bring home for Kero.

"Syaoran-kun, do you want to get our tanzaku, now?" her voice was still chipper, and made him smile.

"Sure, then we can get our lotus lantern, too."

"Do you only have the one wish?" Sakura asked, blushing as she brought it up again.

Syaoran pondered that, looking up at the sky as they walked. Shadows played on his simple blue-grey yukata. "No, I'll probably pray I get into a good college soon, too. For us both to have good health. . . the usual."

"Me too. Maybe I'll pray to find a good career choice in life, soon."

She looked at him with such dazzling happiness that he forgot to breathe for the second time in two days, staring with a simultaneous blush and smile. However, she remained oblivious to his silent adoration and merely continued beaming.

'Some things never change,' he mused, taking her hand as they arrived at the kiosk.

* * * * *

Lantern and several tanzaku papers in hand, the couple sat in a quiet location to write their wishes together. 

Sakura chewed on the end of her brush, and Syaoran forwent finishing his last wish to watch her think. The yukata really did bring out her eyes and make her look beautiful, with pink patterns of her namesake embroidered on the garment. Unbidden, an image of her in a wedding dress popped into his mind, and he smiled whimsically.

The sound of her voice calling his name broke him out of his musings not a moment later. "Syaoran-kun?"

He just looked at her dumbly.

". . .Huh?

She smiled good-naturedly and repeated herself, "Did you need help with any kanji?"

To be honest, after several years in Japan, he rarely found himself struggling with the differences in kanji anymore, but occasionally he would pretend... If only to have an excuse for her to sit close to him; sometimes getting her to gently guide his hand with hers. It was a childish secret that he'd likely never admit to anyone, but he indulged himself, now.

"Yeah... I'm not sure about the Japanese reading for this one I want to write."

Muttering a soft apology for intruding upon his wish, to which he snorted and waved off her concern, Sakura scooted closer until she was pressed against his side, and he leaned into her, inhaling her gentle scent. She smelled of cherry blossoms and something wholly her that could never be imitated by anyone or anything.

"See, you use this kanji here, in Japanese," she explained, taking his hand to draw it out with him. He let her, keeping her unaware of his struggle to resist nuzzling his nose into her throat to get a better smell. He settled for nodding diligently until she pulled her hand and body away, breaking him out of his trance.

"Understand?" his favorite girl was all smiles.

Syaoran's face colored as he stared; still reeling in how she could affect him like this.

"Uh. . . Yeah. Thanks."

"Are you done with your wishes?"

"Y-Yeah. . ."

"Great!" she sat up, tugging on his hand a little to get him to follow her, "Then we can set them adrift!"

"Sure. . ."

* * * * *


That's the end of part one. Well technically part three, but you get what I mean.

Please vote, leave a comment to let me know what you think, and continue on to part four.


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