Chapter 9

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"Hey." Sarah was talking with Bear at school.

"Ok, I know I saw something, the other day, in your shirt." Bear was saying rather angrily.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sarah said rather convincingly.

Bear looked down and thought for a moment, "Then why did you run off?"

"Because I wanted to see my boyfriend." Sarah told her and smiled.

"Ok, I swear I saw like a tail or something."

Bear shook her head, "So anyway, I was talking to my mom about throwing a party and she said it would be fine." Bear yawned and stretched, "would you and Mark like to come?"

"I would, but I am not sure if Mark would be interested." Sarah replied.

"Is he not the partying type?" Bear asked.

"No, Im sure he is, I just think he has a lot on his plate right now." Sarah replied.

"Well you guys are invited. So show up if u guys want to." Bear said prep like and walked away.

Sarah looked around before the rang. Looks like schools over. Time to go see him.

Sarah had a smile on her face and went out to Marks truck and waited on him. It was the weekend and she didn't have any homework. Even if I go by myself I may end up going anyway.

"Going where?" Mark walked up to the truck and unlocked it letting Sarah in.

"To a party. Bear invited us to go to at her place." Sarah smiled.

Mark looked at Sarah then started his truck and started to drive.

"I take that as a no you're not going?" Sarah watched him.

"Oh, sorry I thought it. I thought you'd be reading my mind. Of course we'll go." Mark laughed.

Sarah hit her head then smiled. "Yay!"

"So do you know where she lives?" Mark asked her.

"I..." Sarah looked down. Darn it I should've asked her.

"Don't worry I do." Mark laughed.
Ok atleast he knows... wait... "How do you know where she lives?" Sarah asked intensely.

"Me and her used to hangout alot when we were younger and played video games." Mark smiled. "So before we became teenagers we used to hangout, sleep over, etc. Then we drifted apart after she got her first boyfriend."

Sarah nodded, "Ok."

They arrived at Sarah's house.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow. I love you." Mark leaned over and kissed Sarah.

Sarah kissed back and smiled, "I love you too. See you tomorrow."

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