Chapter 25

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Sarah and the pack was going rushing towards the undead taking heads off one by one. Sarah was able to get through passed the dead up towards Scrubby while the rest of the packs were still fighting the undead.
Sarah stopped as soon as she got in front of Scrubby. She didn't stop to talk, she stopped because she saw something she didn't ever want to see.
Chi-Chi was in chains wrapped around his neck, arms, and legs.
Scrubby smiled as she tighten her grip on the chains, "What? You didn't think it would be that easy did you?"
"What do you want?" Sarah yelled at Scrubby.
"You dead." Scrubby said harshly.
Sarah shook her head, "why do you want me dead? I've never even met you. Until that day when me and Mark were camping."
Scrubby lowered Chi-Chi down and released the chains off of him and the quickly went towards Sarah.
Sarah tried to dodge them but she was to late. The chains wrapped around Sarah as they did Chi-Chi previously.
"You really don't remember do you?" Scrubby asked Sarah.
Sarah was gasping for air and shook her head because she couldn't speak it was so hard for her to breathe. I hope Chi-Chi is ok. Mark where are you! She telepathically thought towards Mark wherever he was.
Sunny and Mystic fought off the undead where they were and Mystic started to run back towards where they were before.
"What the hell are you doing?" Sunny quickly asked Mystic.
Mystic laughed, "To kill my mother."
Sunny looked at her weird, but followed her.
They got to where they were left in chains and saw a wall they haven't seen before. But before they could get to the other side Freedom tackled them both breaking through the cave wall going outside to some of the wolf pack was finishing off some undead.
Freedom smiled, "I can't let it be that easy." She then lifted up her hands and vines with giant thorns arose from the ground and got the wolves that were there, ripping them in half after piercing through there bodies. "Now it's a fair fight." Freedom had vines cover her entire body, they were thornless, and started running towards Sunny and Mystic.
Sunny, in rage seeing her friends killed, attacked Freedom first and bit through the vines, biting her neck, cracking a few bones until Freedom threw her off of her. Mystic started to just to walk around her but Freedom got a vine and threw her back to.
"Where do you think you're going?" Freedom yelled.
Mystic stood there silently as the wind blew her bear pelt off exposing her completely.
"Can you speak? Or did my torture already hurt you too much?" Freedom laughed. "Go ahead stand there naked. It's not like you can change to a bear anymore anyway."
Sunny tried to get up but Freedom pinned her down with a vine, and had another vine come up slowly growing a thorn towards her neck.
Mystic looked up at Freedom fiercely. "My business isn't with you, it's with my mother, let me pass while you have the chance."
Freedom laughed, "Have a chance? Ha, you can't do anything to..."
Mark was concentrating hard. "Tell me again what your plan is Storm?" Mark asked Storm while his eyes were closed trying to pin point where her and Bear was exactly.
"Shut Up!" Storm yelled.
Bear screamed in pain to contractions.
Mark finally got a vision of where they were. "So I can't leave this particular place right?"
"Yes! You cannot leave out of there without me killing her baby and her." Storm replied, "Now, shut up!"
Mark set a spark behind Storm to make her think so,etching was behind her. Storm looked behind her then Mark set another spark across the cave.
Storm stood up. "That better not be you Fireboy."
"I'm still in here." Mark replied setting off another spark behind her again.
Storm on edge now got up and left Bear alone for just a second, and that's the second Mark was waiting for. Mark's eyes turned green and the walls went out from around him to around Bear. Then he turned to face Storm.
"What? Someone has to be in the walls without them collapsing and a part of me has to be in there or they'll crush whoever else is in there." Mark smiled. "You still think I'm dumb, Storm maker?"
Storm casted a bolt of lightning towards Mark but he dodged it and tackled Storm to the ground.
Mark smiled and fire filled his mouth surrounding his teeth and bit off Storms head crushing it in his mouth. Then he set her lifeless body on fire then turned towards Bear who was in the wall. "Try to keep that baby in for just a little longer!" He yelled at her.
Bear scratched the walls and roared at him.
Mark then jumped through a new hole in the wall and saw Freedom throwing Mystic. Mark looked over and saw Sunny getting trapped under vines. Then Mystic was naked and Freedom was yelling at her. Mark then sneaked behind her and stood on his hind legs building a fireball up in his mouth.
"A chance? Ha, you can't do anything to.."
Mark roared and the fireball disintegrated Freedom where she stood.

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