Chapter 18

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"You won't escape from me."
Mark just stared straight into her eyes. "I told you once. You don't deserve to be one of us. You're not even an animal, you damn parisite." Mark spat in her face.
"Oh, poor kitty." She wiped the spit off her face. "Can't use your fire?"
Mark smiled, "Oh, I didn't tell you?"
She looked at him and smiled, "Tell me what?"
"That I can just squish you, you tiny insect." Mark roared.
"Well, don't expect to get out of this." She walked to the other side of the table.
Mark was on a stone table that has been enchanted. Even the person that casted the spell wouldn't be able to break free without doing what the spell asks.
"You want to know how to get out of these chains?" She buzzed in Mark's ear.
"How?" Mark glared at her.
"You'll have to admit something you regret. And it can't be something like, you wish you took out the trash. It has to be something deep. Like something nobody else knows but you."
"Freedom, why are you doing this?" Mark growled.
"So now you remember me?" She smiled.
"I already knew who you were. Remember... I am the reason for that scar on your chest." Mark smiled.
Freedom slapped him leaving scratches across his face. "I told you how to get out. Now you can abide by my rules or you can die alone in this cave."
Mark started to speak.
Don't give in.
Mark looked around. "Who was that?"
Freedom looked at him confused. "Who? What do you mean?" Freedom came close to him.
Mystic? Mark sent back.
There was no response.
"No one." Mark bit her nose when she got too close.
Freedom slapped him again. "What is the thing you regret the most?"
"I don't regret anything." Mark growled at her.
"Everyone regrets something. You on the other hand have hid it deep inside of yourself which is common." Freedom smiled. "But what's the fun in no torture that'll possibly kill you."
Mark glared at her. "I regret nothing!"
"Soot yourself." Freedom casted a spell to where the cave suddenly began to get cold and started freezing on the outside slowly coming towards Mark. "It's rather spill your guts, or you freeze with pride. Your choice."
Freedom sat down and put a circle around her. "And I don't have to worry about it. I'll be safe right here."
Freedom then smiled and spoke fiercely, "and if you dare try to call for help. They will suddenly freeze if they teleport inside here. Or enter this cave."
Mark continued just glaring at her.
Mark where are you? Sarah kept trying to get a hold of him telepathically but kept getting no answer.
"Well I for one am done doing nothing." Bear got up, put the bloodwine up, and started heading out the door.
"What are you doing?" Sarah asked following her.
"If it's a war they want. It's a war they will get." Bear growled.
"What are you gonna do?" Sarah asked.
"Ruby, I'm gonna need you to gather as many witches that will help." Bear told Ruby and she nodded. "We will meet you in thirty two hours on top of the hill right by Mark's house."
Ruby nodded and vanished.
"You," Bear pointed at Sarah, "go get the wolves."
Sarah's eyes grew wide, "I'll die, the leader hates me and..."
Bear grabbed Sarah, "She still loves Mark. You have to tell them that Mark is in danger."
"But why me?" Sarah asked.
"Because, they trust Mark." Bear replied.
Sarah thought for a moment then nodded when she realized what she was saying. "Then, what are you doing?" Sarah asked.
"I'm going to gather the vampires, and someone that his been gone for a long time." Bear looked off in the distance.
"Who?" Sarah asked.
"The one who can only put this Scrubby chick in her place." Bear looked at Sarah. "Mark's brother."

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