Chapter 27

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It's kind of funny when you think about it. All this running around, fighting, falling in love, falling out of love, restarting it all, losing loved ones, and gaining new friends, it all ends the same classical way. The heroes win, the villains died, and a new life begins. Without Mark and Sarah this story couldn't be possible and without them this story couldn't be told without you understanding.
What? I bet you're wondering what happened in the last chapter. I bet you're wondering why there's two chapters missing instead of one. Well, I will be more than glad to tell you what happened in those chapters. But first let me introduce myself.
My name is Ice, I've been the one telling you this story, the story about my father and the events leading up to my arrival. The whole point I told you this, is because it's time you understood why things always seem to be exciting all the time, or why things seem to probably be more graphic at time then others.
I'm sorry I had to put this twist on this story, and please don't throw the book or whatever it is you're reading this with.
Mark is my Dad and he told me this story more often than all other stories that he had.
He always told me that when he was with Sarah it always was confusing times but Tiger was just another way. He is the proud lion of this story, and very over confident.
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you why I left two chapters out in this part.
Because now, we are getting to my story, and my beginning,
My name is Ice, and I am a Vampire.

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