Chapter 4

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Sarah was messing with the radio until she finally got frustrated enough and turned it off. "I can't believe you lied to me." She crossed her arms.

Mark sighed, "I never lied. I never told you yes or no."

Sarah puffed, "So it all really happened?"

Mark let out a long sigh, "Well, yes and no."

Sarah looked at him confused.

Mark stopped the truck on the side of the road and looked at her, "Yes it happened, Mystic doesn't exist and never did. There's only three of us that remembers. You, me, and Dove."

Sarah in shock looked at him, "Dove? Why would Dove remember?"

"Well..." Mark smiled, "Dove is the most powerful psychic in the world. She is immune to the whole time warp thing." He looked at Sarah and smiled, "I remember because I died before I died." Mark chuckled. "You remember because you didn't die and you had alot of changes done to you in many ways physically, mentally, and it traumatized you." Mark put the truck back in drive and started driving again. "And you're a really powerful psychic as well."

Sarah looked out the window. If I'm a powerful psychic. Then how could I not even remember I'm a psychic.
"Because you're a goof." Mark chuckled.

Sarah hit him in the arm. "Get out of my head fur ball."

Mark smiled and purred.

"Is someone purring? And I'm the fur ball?" Sarah wagged her tail, crossed her arms, and lifted her head up high with a smile on her face.

"Yes," Mark grabbed her tail then she let out a squeel. "Because I don't have this."

Sarah put on a fake pout face and then they both started laughing as Mark pulled up to the library.

Sarah looked at him. "I thought we were going to see my mom. She isn't here today she's at home."

Mark smiled, "You have to fix the computer first." He held up the key to the library.

Sarah looked at him confused. "It wasn't a dream though."

"Even though it wasn't a dream, when time changes it has to alter things. We have to fix some changes it made in order for our lives to be ok." Mark said slowly with his smile slowly fading.

"What do you mean?" Sarah said.

"Mystic never existed." Mark said as his smile went all the way down.

"What do you mean, Mark?" Sarah said fast as she knew something was up.

"MYSTIC NEVER EXISTED!" Mark said again as he hit the steering wheel.

Sarah looked down and started thinking. If she never existed than that means...

"Yes, we have to go in the time warp." Mark said slowly.

"But how am I still here?" Sarah said slowly.

"I don't know." Mark looked down. "But I do know we have to go in there and stop it from altering anything else!"

"So I'm going to vanish?" Sarah sounded scared.

"No." A familiar voice came from outside the truck.

"You may be a descendant from Mystic but she is a descendant from me." The voice came to Mark's side of the truck.

It was Scrubby.

"Sorry for the scare but because she never existed I had another daughter!" Scrubby said hissing.

"Wait you know?" Mark asked her.

"Of course I do. You of all people should've remembered I'm her mom!" Scrubby hissed at Mark.

"Hey there isn't need for anger here." Sarah said calmly still looking down.

"You're right. But once I remembered about Mystic I remember you killing all my sons and daughters Mark." Scrubby grabbed him and ripped him out of his seat belt throwing him to the ground. "I'm not going to let it happen again."

Sarah changed and jumped through the window and put Scrubby to the ground and roared.

"Careful child," Scrubby's tongue changed to a snakes, "you don't know who you're dealing with."

"No," Mark said having flames surround him as he changed, "But I do." When he completely changed to a lion Sarah looked at Scrubby with a smile.

Scrubby laughed evily. "Do you not remember who killed you? I'm a snake. I was fighting by her side!

Scrubby pushed Sarah off of her and vanished.

Mark changed back as Sarah did and they just set there in silence for a long time.

"So why?" Sarah broke the silence.

"Why what?" Mark replied looking up at her.

"Why does something evil always have to happen why can't anything be good?"

Mark shrugged. "Because you made me bite you." He smiled. "I'm just glad I don't have to this stuff alone anymore."

"What do you mean this stuff?" Sarah was in shock. "But you're always in school! And always complaining..." Sarah thought about.

"I complained about little things because I couldn't complain what I had to do to keep the world safe the other day." Mark got up and headed to the door of the library.

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