Chapter 6

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Sarah woke up in her bed. She looked around and she was in her room. She ran down the stairs. She smelled the air and bacon filled the room with a wonderful aroma. She ran to the kitchen and dashed towards her target. She saw her and started crying. She was running but it seemed like it took forever. Sarah jumped and held her from behind.

"Mom!" Sarah was crying.

"What's wrong with you, dear?" Sarah's mom asked.

"Nothing." Sarah sniffled and wiped her face with her arm. "Just it seems like I haven't seen you in forever."

"Well, you and Mark are going to school today." Her mom smiled. "And you should be happy that he did all the work you missed." She turned to Sarah and hugged her. "But I told him he has to teach you what he did for you."

They hugged until Mark's truck roared by the house and parked in the driveway. "Now have a good day at school." Sarah's mom kissed Sarah's head and Sarah grabbed her stuff and went out the door.

She went into the truck and looked at Mark, who was still in his pajamas, and set in the truck.

"Hey, how did you know it was pajama day at school?" Mark asked Sarah with a smile on his face.

"Huh?" Sarah looked confused as she started to put on her seatbelt, she noticed that she never changed out of her pajamas.
Luckily I have a sports bra on under my tanktop. Sarah thought to herself.

Mark laughed and Sarah, in realization why he laughed, slapped him in his arm.

"Get out of my head!" Sarah crossed her arms.

"So are you ready for school?" Mark asked while he took the last turn before they get to the school.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Sarah let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Mark asked her as they pulled up in the schools parking lot.

Sarah let out another sigh and got her stuff and looked at Mark as he put the truck in park. "I just hope we made the best choice."

Mark rolled his eyes. "I think we did but... there's alot we will have to do. But first let's get to class." Mark got out of the truck and they held hands until they got to the doors.

Sarah was sitting in her fourth hour, bored, waiting for lunch. She laid back and leaned towards Ruby.

"So can you, speed up time?"  Sarah asked michevuously.

"I could but I'm not done with my work yet." Ruby replied as she continued writing her essay.

"Ugh!" Sarah was  bored she started to move her tail around under her shirt to scratch her back.

"What is that?" The girl behind her asked.

Sarah turned around. The girl was named Nicole but everyone called her Bear. Her hair was dyed red and she wasn't fat but she wasn't average either. She always wore blue and gold along with some black.

"What is what?" Sarah put her tail back all the way in her pants to where it wasn't noticeable.

"I thought I saw..." The bell rang before Bear could finish and Sarah grabbed all her stuff and ran to her locker, avoiding the student traffic, and heading to lunch.

She got a red juice packet, that was filled with blood, and started drinking it. She looked around the lunch room, looking for Mark wondering if he decided to eat lunch today. She kept looking around and couldn't find him. She decided to go back outside to look for Mark but she got bumped into. She turned to see who it was and everyone one was gone.

Sarah looked around the cafeteria looking for anyone, a sense of life, anything. She couldn't find anyone so she turned back around and a man in a red suit was standing in front of her.

Sarah gasped and couldn't find any words.

"Do you think you made the right choice, Sarah?" The man asked.

"Yes." Sarah said in realization why he was here.

"Ok, I'll come visit you to see if you want to take another choice. I'll see you soon." The man in red disappeared and Sarah closed her eyes and after she opened them everyone was back.

She went outside looking for Mark, and she saw him just chilling out in front of the band building. Sarah went to him and hugged him.

"Did we make the right choice Mark?" Sarah asked him.

Mark smiled, "No going back." He leaned in and kissed her.

"Are you sure?" Sarah asked after she kissed back?

"Yes!" Mark said and held Sarah's head close to his chest.

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