
Me and Todoroki had already had breakfast and we're now walking to school. Todoroki took the pills at like 6 am, when we woke up so that he could take some again at lunch. "So, when we're training right now, you won't use the gauntlets. If you get too nervous, you'll over sweat and it could cause a huge explosion, hurting yourself and others," I tell him as we walk through the front doors. He nods. "Okay, I don't really know how to control my left side, but my right side is easy. Just think about cold things and boom. That's pretty much it. That's all I do. You have to strain yourself to get the quirk to a dangerous temperature, so there's not a lot of danger using my quirk. Just the right side. Sometimes though, my quirk will just activate. Like when my emotions are too much you know? Also, my hero suit was upgraded so that the temperatures of my quirk regulate before they get too dangerous on either side. That's what the wrist things are for," he tells me.

"Oh that's cool. I didn't know you added that. What else did you add?" He looks at me surprised. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He just shakes his head and smiles at the ground a bit. "You actually care. That means something to me," he says. I laugh. "Well, are you gonna tell me?" He nods. "Okay so the little things on my belt, the 'Peepees'," he says as he laughs at 'peepees'. I laugh a bit too and he continues, "Well those things carry disinfectants, painkillers, water, just like a first aid kit." "Oh, that's cool. Continue."

"Hmm, what else? Oh, well I have spikes at the bottoms of my shoes so that I don't slip on my own ice," he says as he laughs a bit at the end. I kind of think he's already slipped on it and was embarrassing, so he did something about it to make sure it never happened again. "Did you already slip on it?" I laugh at the end of my question. He sighs heavily and puts his hand on his face, smiling a bit. "Um, yeah. It was a while back and it was just- ugh," he says, embarrassment clear in his voice. I laugh. He turns and frowns before flicking my forehead. I groan in pain because he flicked the bruise that I got yesterday. That thing hurts like a bitch.

We're walking up the stairs and headed to Aizawa's class. We walk in and look around. He's not in here, maybe he's in the teacher's lounge. "Hm, let's check the teacher's lounge," Todoroki says. I nod in agreement. Fuck, I still haven't asked Aizawa to add the three extra points from my quiz to Todoroki's.

We knock on the door and when no one answers, Todoroki knocks again before opening the door. There he is. Mr. Aizawa, asleep on the couch in his sleeping bag. Todoroki clears his throat and Aizawa wakes up. He looks at us and groans. "What do you two want?" "Well, we were wondering if we could practice using each other's quirks before actually having to use them today," I say. He nods and waves us off. "Okay, we'll be on the field. Also, what are we gonna do today?"

"It's like an obstacle course. I changed some stuff so that you could guys wouldn't have to use the other's power too much," he says. We both nod. "Thank you," we both say at the same time. "Also, text one of us where the obstacle course will be. Getting the hang of each other's quirks might take a while," I say. He groans as he lies back down.

We leave it at that and head to class to leave our bags and grab our cases. When we enter, the motion lights turn on and we leave our stuff at our desks. We grab the suitcases and head to the lockers. "Okay you change at my locker and I'll change at yours," he tells me. I nod in agreement and when we enter the locker rooms, we head to the other's locker. I quickly change. The suit is easy to put on. "Hey, you almost done?" There's a small laugh and then Todoroki speaks up. "Hold on, almost done." "Okay," I say, letting him know that I actually heard what he was saying.

After a bit, he walks out and sighs heavily. "Your hero suit is way harder to put on than mine." I laugh and we walk towards the field to practice each other's quirks. When we get there, Todoroki turns to me. "Okay, so try to start the right side," he says. I nod and focus on the right side, trying to activate the quirk. Soon, I start feeling colder in that side and I turn to see ice forming on my hand. "Okay, that's good. Now, try to throw a small patch of ice over there," he says, pointing to the left. I nod and when I feel the ice on my hand again, I push myself a bit and a trail of ice leads to where Todoroki was pointing. It stopped right before it hit the flower which is what I wanted so when it actually works, I smile widely as I look over at Shoto for approval.

Change of Perspective (TodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now