Chapter 37 | Into the Void

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"I think there is a good possibility that that was not Zeus, that Ambrose saw." Hobbson's face was grim, his next words directed at Obsidian, "You know as well as I do that there is nothing left of your Father. We made sure of that when he died."

Obsidian nodded in agreeance, "Were you thinking of Katarina?" he guessed.

Hobbson nodded, "I think, considering recent events that that's most likely."

"Who?" Zalas spat out impatiently.

Obsidian waved a hand at Hobbson, "You explain," he grunted, "I don't have the patience."

Hobbson's face was slightly bemused as he turned to Zalas, "I'm talking about the Water Sprite, Katarina," he explained, "you should know her, your Highness, she tried to marry you at one point."

Zalas's normally disdainful expression grew even more disgusted and Obsidian snorted derisively. "Now you remember," he sneered, "did you really think my Father could be alive? Obviously, it must be a trick."

"You mean that conniving woman copied his appearance?" Zalas hissed, "Do you really think that the Water Sprite Ambrose, would be so easily deceived by one of his own? Optimism, at a time like this, could be the difference between life and death."

"He was under a lot of pressure," Hobbson said mildly, "mistakes can be made under such circumstances, even by one as skilled as Ambrose."

"However," Obsidian stared at Hobbson, already anticipating his next words, "There is a 'however' isn't there Hobbson? Because you and I both know-"

"Yes." Hobbson furrowed his brows, "It did occur to me. But I just don't feel there is a motive."

"I have a motive," Obsidian dismissed curtly, "try 'insanity'. I don't know how it would be possible for him to be alive, but surely there can't be much left of him now if he was."

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Zalas fidgeting with annoyance. "Well?" The Prince eventually demanded, when it became clear Obsidian didn't plan to explain, "who are you talking about?"

Obsidian raised an eyebrow scornfully, "Not as smart as you make yourself out to be, are you?" He commented slyly, trying not to let on how much he was enjoying watching Zalas squirm, "I would have thought it would be rather obvious, to someone like you."

Obsidian watched with pleasure as a muscle in Zalas's jaw twitched. Just as the Prince was opening his mouth, no doubt to make some disparaging remark, Obsidian felt her approach and he turned to receive her, his eyes searching her out even before she made herself known.

"What's rather obvious?" Circe asked placidly as she appeared on the top deck beside Hobbson. Her light smile was betrayed by the coolness in her eyes as she surveyed the scene, her gaze lingering a little on Zalas. "I hope you two are behaving yourselves," she stated pleasantly, turning to stare pointedly at Obsidian.

He huffed out a breath and held his tongue, one hand reaching out to beckon her towards him. She came to stand by his side where he encircled an arm around her waist possessively, partially because he wanted to and partially because he knew it would piss Zalas off. Sure enough he heard the Prince's angry exhale of breath and he looked away to hide his smile, his other hand remaining on the wheel of the ship.

"Of course, we are," He replied to her earlier remark smoothly, "or at least I am."

"What are you, a child?" Zalas spat out bitterly. Obsidian threw him a superior sort of glance over his shoulder, the face completely missed by Circe who was a good head shorter than him.

"Zalas," she reprimanded instead, causing Obsidian's expression to become even more smug.

The Prince gave her an incredulous look," Me? You're blaming me? Did you even see- oh, never mind! This is ridiculous." He eyeballed Obsidian, "You're ridiculous."

A Dragon's Heart (Book Three in the APK Trilogy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن