Chapter 7 | (P.2) Heartbeat

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I'm excited about this Chapter Guuuuuysss! I hope that you enjoy it and relish the moment ;) Please remember to Vote and if you feel like sharing APK around, that would be greatly appreciated too! Love as always,

Daisy xxx


I was the one that realized that Zalas had yet to surface. I was the one who took it seriously. As Unabonan twisted to avoid the flames that were meant for me, I dove off his back and into the swirling depths of the ocean below, aiming for where I had last seen Zalas.

As the water closed over top of me I spied him, his white hair floating out like a beacon, eyes tight shut and rapidly sinking. Fear clouded my heart as I struck out for him, grabbing his hand and heaving our bodies upwards where the surface of the water beckoned in the moonlight.

The cold air hit my face and I gasped for breath. Zalas was heavy and his weight was hard for my small frame to support as we were tossed back and forth by the waves. I noticed almost immediately that the black dragon was gone and I called for Unabonan, waving my arm to catch his attention.

The big Dragon spotted us immediately, his head snaking down to pluck us both delicately from the water, his long neck twisting to place us back in the saddle.

I spread Zalas out on the flat surface, my eyes pricking with tears. There was a huge gash across his chest, but it seemed to be large only in length rather than depth. I noticed a cut across his head also which would account for the unconsciousness. I hurriedly checked his pulse; my ear pressed against his chest and cried out with fear when I couldn't find one.

Unabonan! His heart isn't beating!

I had seen it done before, I knew what to do. Hunched over my Prince I tilted back his head and began compression's on his chest. I counted to thirty and then covered his nose, my mouth descending over his as I breathed air into his lungs twice, before starting from the beginning.

"Please," I sobbed as I worked over his body. "Please, you can't die. Not like this, not now."

I could feel Unabonan's grief in the back of my mind as he flew us to god knows where. I found myself screaming at him as I continued the motions, pleading with him to do something although we both knew that there was nothing that he could do to fix this.

Just when desperation was beginning to take over my mind, along with the dreadful, horrible realization that this wasn't working, Zalas suddenly sat up coughing, water gushing out of his mouth and onto his lap. He slumped back almost instantly, eyelids blinking slowly as he moaned.

I shrieked, Unabonan's relief mixing with my own, and I threw myself at him, clutching at his clothing and covering myself with his blood in the process. I had completely lost my composure, so glad I was that he was alive and was now filled with disbelief that we had even found ourselves in such a ridiculous situation to begin with.

"What happened?" His voice was rasping and I scrambled for water, lifting it to his lips and helping him drink.

I had seen the attack from the saddle, I had seen everything. It was rare to see Zalas caught so off guard and that Dragon had hit him full on, he had had no time to defend himself. The way that he had been punched straight out of the air told me that he had been unconscious from impact.

I began to answer him before I realized that he had passed out again.


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