XX. "Never come back!"

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He held my hand as we walked up the steps of my old home. My version of hell.  Esmeralda stayed behind to watch Janice, even though, I insisted that she go home.

"I don't like spending Christmas alone, Daniella." She had said to me moments before we stepped out of the door. "Now go have fun."

I hadn't argued with her and I just left. Now we were here at the door of my house, or what used to be my house. Tonight was the night. A lot would change after tonight; this I have known for four months.

  I've changed a lot since September. I know a lot of people may not like me for my decisions, but that's something I have to deal with. This is my life and these are my choices. I have to deal with the choices I've made, and that's why I'm here today.

"You ready?" Chance asked from beside me. He was holding my hand and gripping it tightly. I could tell he was nervous for me. A lot may happen tonight and a couple of people may lose their tempers, but it's okay. Truth hurts sometimes.

I nodded to reassure him as I took a deep breath and opened the door of the house. The smell of vanilla and cinnamon hit my nose like a brick wall. I couldn't lie to myself, I really missed Christmas at home.

"Danny!" I heard a shrill excited squeal from the other room. I knew that sqeal anywhere.

"Auntie Diane!" I tried to say excitedly but the flow was off and it sounded more disappointing than exciting.

"Oh my gosh, you look amazing." The middle aged woman smile broadly as she gave me a once over. Aunt Diane was a stylist and would always constantly get on me about my wardrobe and appearance whenever she came over from Florida.

I gave her a smile as I watched her eyes wonder to Chance, who's hand I was still holding. She smiled widely at him and greeted formally while looking at me through the sides of her eye. I knew I would get a mouthful from her about this. I wonder did she know Mom kicked me out?

We stepped into the living room where everyone was sitting, holding what seemed like important debates about basketball teams.

"Lebron is the next Jordan. I don't want to hear anything other than that." Uncle Lenny, Aunt Diane's husband, argued . His statement didn't surprise me, he was as stubborn as a mule. I would hate to be in any argument with him.

  Everyone stopped their side conversations to greet me and Chance. Some of my cousins gave me weird looks as their eyes glanced from me to Chance. I tried my best not to feel self conscious as I played with the necklace Chance had given me for Christmas. It was small and gold with my name engraved on a piece of metal connected by a long chain. I loved it.

  Dinner started shortly after everyone was familiar with me and my unbelievable weight loss, and of course, my "arm candy" as my Aunt Diane called Chance while everyone was springing questions into my face.

    Now I sit in between Chance and Daniel at the long dinner table. There weren't any assigned seats this time and Nial and Henry sat as far away from me as possible at the other end of the table. Food was being passed around and everyone was happily didgging into their large pieces of ham. The devil's ham.

  I barely said hello to my mom or Tim. I didn't care for them. I don't even know why they invited me. It was nice to see my other family members, though.

   Dinner was over and everyone went back to the living room to eat dessert. I offered to help clean up, while Chance was pulled into the living room because he had got on Uncle Lenny's and Uncle Tracy's good side, which was a hard thing to do, being that he had only just met them.

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