XVIII. "What happened?"

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It's becoming too much, all of this, it's too much. I hadn't even walked in the house last night before I was harshly slapped across the face by my mother.

She had went on and on about pregnancy and her raising me better than this. I can't lie and say she didn't give me time to explain. I had eleven years to explain. Had I spoken up? Nope, not even a little.

I sat there and let her believe her assumptions. I let her boil over in disappointment, and all so I can protect people who I wished death upon every night. I let all this happen just so I didn't have to deal with it.

Chance was right. I'm a selfish bitch. The most selfish bitch there is. I sat here and caused all this drama just to protect myself.

Why hadn't I just spoken up the moment it happened? The moment Niall told me to go in that room, I should've told. The moment he made me touch his male parts, I should've screamed. The moment he told me to meet him in nothing but a big T-shirt and no underwear, I should've told, but I didn't.

I know everyone's annoyed with me and my constant moping and statements that are suppose to clarify my reasoning for keeping my mouth shut. No one clearly understands how much this really bothers me.

How much I regret never telling. How much I want to just blurt it out. How much I just want to walk away from it, never talking about it again.

Now it's too late. I'm pregnant with the product of this shit I let happen. I bet God's looking down on me with a smug grin, knowing I only put this upon myself. I'm ashamed. I've always been ashamed, but now, shameful isn't even the word to describe how low I feel.

"Sissy, what's wrong?" Daniel asked me, walking into the guest room he was letting me temporarily stay in.

"Everything, plus my stomach is like cramping or something and it hurts really bad." I said into the pillow. I was laying face down --probably something I shouldn't be doing.

"Stop laying on your stomach, Doofus." He sneered playfully.

"Fuck you, Jr." I slowly rolled over on my side into fetal position.

"Hmmm, last time I checked..." He paused dramatically, "this was my house, and you need my help."

"Whatever" I responded, suddenly not feeling in the mood to argue with him. The cramps started to get worse, like a knife being forced into me time after time.

I got up and went to the restroom after checking to make sure Janice was sound asleep in her playpen.

I pulled my shirt up and stared at my flabby abdomen. I had loss a lot of weight, thinking I would look hot and nicely toned, only to be faced with the reality of left over skin.

I walked to the toilet and squatted, preparing to sit down only to be hit with a sharp pain in my side. I pulled my pants down halfway to reveal my blood drenched underwear. The pain in my stomach was becoming unbearable.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Chance's number, hesitating whether or not to call. I don't want to be a burden. A sharp pain shot through me again and I clicked the call button.

He picked up on the third ring or so.

"Yes?" He sounded irritated and I mentally slapped myself for even calling him, knowing that anything could be happening at his house, especially with his Dad there.

"Chance." I tried to say as the pain increased, causing my voice to come out as only a whisper.

"Why are you whispering?" He asked.

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