XXVII."This is some bullshit."

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"What the hell happened?" I asked once both Janice and I were safely inside of his car.

"Long story, short ride. Where do you want me to start?"


"From the time he walked in that damn house until he left. Summarize if you have to." I ordered as he sped off into town.

"Well, this is what my mother told me." He turns down his radio as I put my seatbelt on, making sure Janice is fine lying on my chest. I was in the back seat but I stared at Chad through his rearview mirror.

"I'm listening."

"So Chance comes in the house, demanding for Amelia, my sister. She comes down and he just curses her out. All shots fired. It was about what you we're telling me about; how your condo was broken into and your things were thrown everywhere." He explained.

"So he's saying your sister did it?" I asked.

He nodded. "So my dad comes in and he asked what's going on. Chance goes off on him too and next thing you know their pushing each other and the first punch was thrown and they were fighting. My mother called the police, and as far as I know he's gonna get charged with disturbance of the peace if my mom won't drop the charges or someone can clarify that Amelia did in fact, break in and trash your place."

"So you think she did it too?"

He chuckled. "Between me and you? Yeah, I totally think she did it."

I was silent then, looking out of the window. For some reason I trusted Chad. He was cool. A stranger,yeah, but a cool one that Chance didn't quite like at the moment.

"So you and Chance, huh? How did you guys meet?" he asked, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"I almost died." I muttered.

"Huh?" he frowned, stopping at a red light.

"At the hospital." I corrected. That was atleast a part of the truth. He chuckled still giving me a strange look.

"That's a weird place to meet someone. Did one of you almost die or something?" he said jokingly, chuckling louder.

"No!" I said way too loudly, laughing nervously. "What?" More nevous laughing followed until it was plain awkward.

"He really doesn't like my family. It's sad because he seems like a really cool guy, but I guess I get it. My dad's an asshole."

I scoffed. "Asshole. More like the devil in disquise.''

"So I'm taking you've met him already?"

"No, not personally, but the way he makes Chance get so worked up makes me imagine him as a bad person. Chance may be sensitive, but it's like whenever his dad comes around he's a whole other person; not the gentle sensitive Chance I see everyday, but someone more aggressive, more egdy and remorseless. I don't like it." I explained, staring at Janice as she slept. The rise and fall of her chest harmonizing with my steady breathing. It's hard imagining life without her. I bet her mother was just like her, so full of life and passion. It's hard to believe someone like Tim had corrupted her and created such a ball of sunshine.

"He doesn't want me talking to you." Chad said, pulling into the police station's parking lot.

"He didn't tell me not to." I lied.

"He implied. I don't want you to get in trouble." he parked and turned in his seat to look at me. "He can't stand me."

"He can't stand you guy's father. Not you. You're just close to the target, ya' know?"

He shrugged.


We were there all night waiting for Chad's mother to show. We had no proof that Amelia broke into our condo, but Chad's mother, who I learned was Jessica, dropped the charges and helped Chad bail Chance out. When she walked into the station, she hadn't taken her sunglasses off and her face was caked with makeup. I questioned it, but kept my comments within, not wanting to upset anyone. It probably was an accident or maybe she had been crying. Mr. DuBose wouldn't hit a woman. Would he?

Soon after Chance came out, the look of anger was still clear on his face. The scratches made him look rough. He looked past me as I stood from the waiting room chair with Janice in my arms. He was glaring at Chad.

"You rode here with him?" he asked me, disgust in his voice. "You don't even know him, Danny. He could've hurt you guys. He's a stranger."

I didn't say anything back. I was too afraid. "I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to call."

He glared at me then, clenching his jaw. "You didn't know who else to call? Roni? Becky? Shit, anybody would have done, but you called him. He's the reason I'm here in the first place."

"He bailed you out Chance." I protested.

He scoffed. "Great, now I'm some charity case, huh?" he turned to Chad then back to me. "Let's go." he ordered.

"Where are we going Chance? Huh? You don't have a car." I informed him halfway out the door.

"We'll get a cab!" he yelled, and that's what we did. We called a cab and we left. When we got home his attitude was in no better shape. He became even angrier as we cleaned the house.

"I just can't believe you did that. That was so immature of you Danny!" he yelled lightly. I was becoming irritated with him.

"I know, okay? I get it. I'm immature and irresponsible and not good enough to be your girlfriend! I got it, alright! I'm sixteen. I'm out on my own. We're out on our own. I'm gonna make mistakes, okay?"

"Don't ever talk to him again, understood?"

I sighed. "Why can't you just talk to him? He isn't a bad person, Chance. You can't blame him because of your father."

"Danny, shutup! You don'r know what the fuck you're talking about. You don't know me."

I scoffed then. "Oh! If that's the case, you're the stranger, Mr. Unknown and Misunderstood.You can sleep on the fucking couch again tonight. Since I don't fucking know you." I fussed, walking back into the room. "This is some bullshit."

He walked into the room, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry. I take it back. I didn't mean it."

I squirmed out of his hold. "No, get out."

"Fine" he walked out of the room.

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