Chapter79: shattered relationships

Start from the beginning

Sunlight peered into the windows of the monastery waking up all its inhabitants expect of course The green ninja who refused to get out of bed. The others tried waking the young blonde up but it was of no use the boy didn't budge. As the others were occupied, the white haired girl was preparing to head out. Cloud who was on her bed laying down, watched the girl as she was getting ready to head out. The pup could clearly tell she was nervous, and licked the girl's hand making her smile and pat the pups head. "I'll be back soon girl, i promise cover for me if anyone comes in here. They don't know, they will think I betrayed them understood?" the pup nodded and layed in her doggy bed watching Harumi head towards her door. Once she left the room before she closed the door she looked at her pup, and smiled. "I love you girl" with that the door was closed and Cloud was left alone by herself in the room.

Harumi felt her heart pounding as she reached the prison door, not just because she was going to meet the person who nearly killed her, but also since she had to meet the warden noble. The person when she was the quiet one threw him out of the prison. She knocked on the door, and after waiting a couple of minutes the door opened revealing Noble. She smiled, hoping this isn't awkward to her surprise Noble greeted her warmly. "Harumi, so good to see you how you've been?" harumi stood there shocked she didn't expect this she blinked a couple of times before answering the man. "Im good" the man nodded and brought her inside the prison. Harumi let out a breath. "Here we go"
Cloud was on harumi's bed laying down. She was bored out of her mind, she wondered how long it had been since harumi left. It felt like a day but in reality it was probably have just been hour. Knocking was heard from outside the room, and the pup lifted her head up smiling thinking harumi returned. She started running towards the door when she stopped herself, and thinking: "wait why would Harumi knock to get into her own room?" her eyes widened as she went towards the desk to hide the letter, from whoever was outside. She quickly hid the letter under her own bed, before laying down. The door opened revealing Sensei Wu who looked around the room. "Harumi? Are you there? no answer came as he walked in closing the door behind him. He searched around still not seeing the girl, before a bark was heard. Wu laughed looking down at fluffy little pup. "Hey cloud" he knelt down to her level and started to pet her. The pup licked his face in return, the boy smiled. "Have you seen harumi?' the pup shook her head lying, harumi asked her to cover for her until she got back. She intended to keep her promise to harumi to not let anyone know. Unfortunately the blonde saw the letter picking out from under her dog bed. "What's that" Cloud tried to stop him but she was too late.

The older man brought the letter up and read the letter. His eyes widening with each word, worry was shown on his face as he looked at cloud. Before he ran to the green ninja's room. "Young nephew!" Come out!" Grumbling was heard, as he opened the door, the blonde looked tired, and his hair as bed hair. "Yes uncle?" He asked "You have to get to Krypterium before he does something horrible to her!" The blonde was confused putting his hands up in a guester for him telling him to slow down. "Woah uncle, woah slow down. What do you mean?" Wu explained everything, and told him about the letter.

Lloyd growled. "Of course, she runs right back to garmadon!" He snarled as he went to grab clouds ' leash. Wu put a hand on his nephew's shoulder. "Lloyd your letting your anger control you. She didn't mean anything that garmadon said. You didn't listen to her side of the story. You only listened to Garmadon's please... nephew" Wu begged however, Lloyd pushed Wu back. "No, she doesn't get a third chance. I will never forgive her again" Lloyd walked off with cloud to the prison. Wu sighned. "Oh Lloyd, maybe some day you'll learn anger is not the way. If not I'm afraid you'll become your father.

The white haired girl stood in front of a door nervously she took in a breath before walking into the prison cell. She looked back an lazers blocked the entrance. She advanced forward pulling a switch so a walk way formed to the prisoners cell. She went into the path walking towards a giant globe thing. She couldn't help but chuckle at the fact it looked like a snow globe. Once she was close enough she stopped trying to act more confident. She stared at the figure before taking a deep breath. "Hello Garmadon" the four armed man looked up from his magazine he was reading hearing the girls voice. He smiled his all so creepy smile at her, before standing up throwing the magazine aside and on the ground. "Well, look who's here to visit me" Harumi shifted uncomfortably as the man looked at her. She's been avoiding him, since everything he's done to lloyd, and her. But she did always remember those fun times they had back at borg tower, but he was the enemy she had to remember that. She crossed her arms before looking at the man. "Well, it isn't that much of a surprise since you sent me a letter asking me to come here.''

The oni lord smirked, as he stared at the young girl who looked like she'd been crying for weeks, apom moths. Harumi growled crossing her arms. "Why did you call me here!, everyone already hates me enough for the lies you told! Lloyd won't even talk me!" She shouted. Garmadon smirked. "My my my, what a temper you have Princess" Harumi snarled baring her fangs. "Don't call me princess!, or rumi, what other nicknames you've Called me! You've betrayed me! And you've done a number for things to me, but what you did recently was the worst!" Garmadon smirked, as he smiled, as he sat back in his seat. "Is it so bad, that I want someone to visit me? I'm very lonely" he said with fake innocence that harumi saw through right away. "Enough stalling! Why did you call me here!" She yelled. "Yeah, garmadon why is she here?" Chimed a voice. Harumi gasped. She turned around, and saw Lloyd, wearing his green pajamas still, as he walked forward with cloud on a leash. Cloud seeing harumi kicked Lloyd causing him to drop her leash, as she ran forward and jumped into harumi's arms. Harumi couldn't do it with Lloyd being here, and everything, she ran away crying.

Harumi was in the city for a few hours, with cloud. She saw everyone giving her strange looks, and glares. She sighned as she kicked a pebble. "Oh cloud. I hope Garmadon's happy! Because he ruined my life!" Harumi said quietly. Cloud jumped into her arms. And harumi smiled at her pup, "what do you say cloud, we go for a walk before we head back?" The pup barked in agreement. Harumi smiled, as they were walking. When purple clouds started to appear. Harumi pulled her fists ready for a fight. "Cloud get behind me now" the pup shook her head as she growled at the strange figure. Harumi ran forwards yelling at the figure who just stood there. "Why isn't he attacking?" Was harumi's first thought, as she got closer the figure just knocked her away hitting a stone building. She groaned. Cloud seeing her owner attacked growled.

The figure smirked. "So the little pup, wants to play? Come on then mutt" cloud growled. She hated when people called her a mutt, she wasn't a mutt she charged forwards mini dagger in her mouth. Harumi saw this and gasped. "Cloud no!" But it was too late the poor pup was thrown through a glass window. Harumi's eyes went teary. "Cloud!" She turned towards the figure, and growled. "You'll pay for that!" Running forwards she kicked the figure in the jaw. He stumbled slightly but it had no big effect. "Still standing?" Harumi pulled out a sword. "I'll fix that!" Running forward as she was about to hit him, she felt pain on her neck. She let out a pained shriek, as her vison started to get blurry. She looked down and saw she got cut by a sword in her leg. She started swaying back and forth as she suddenly got very sleepy. The figure asked her something, but unfortunately couldn't answer it. Just like that she fell into unconsciousness.

On the bounty the oni lord, was walking around the halls of the bounty, earlier that day was very strange for him, he was broke out of prison and he met five interesting people who apparently was from the first realm. He never thought he'd meet someone dumber then the sog guards but today they met their match with he belived his name was chew toy?. He still couldn't belive he was carrying a chicken leg. But at least he spoke what was that ones name again? "Was it nuzzle?" He asked himself as he pondered the question. He snapped his fingers or claws remembering the name "muzzle, that's the name" as he walked he accidentally bumped into the person with the metal legs. "Sorry, about that" he grumbled as he walked away from the oni lord who grumbled as shook it off.

"Hmm I wonder where those two girl are? Most likely talking to the green ninja" he concluded. Thats when a thought came to mind remembering about the white haired girl. He turned and walked towards the white haired girls room, going past Faith,ultra Violet, killow, and he believed was Jet jack. When he arrived at the dreaded door. he went in and saw harumi wasn't there and neither was the pup.

He looked around and saw clouds things were in a corner, not to metion her dog bed by harumi's bed. He looked around and saw her diary and somthing new a jounural he was gonna pick it up when he smelled something. "What's that?" He smelled again and groaned before he ran out and jumped off the bounty to who knows where.

The white haired groaned as she woke from unconscious, she blinked as she held her head. "My head. What happened?" She asked as the girl gasped remembering her companion. "Cloud?" The pup quickly jumped up and licked her face, as harumi's went into a sitting position she laughed. As she looked around."Where am I?" She spotted Mistaké who had her back turned and was humming as she was working on what looked like tea in the back. She blinked. "What the heck?" She whispers, when she turned and saw lord Garmadon looking at her. "You!?"
Hello everyone welcoming to the Oni arc! Whoooo who's excited and man harumi and garmadon drama coming up. Not to mention the whole city hates Her? Yet does Mistaké or is she still her friend? Poor rumi, alright if you have any questions leave them in the comments below and I'll see you all next time! Good bye! Jdizzle signing out peace!

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