"I don't believe I've seen you here before. Are you one of the new kitchen wenches?" He asked curiously. Kitchen wench? The hell?

"Why yes, I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep. This place is still so new to me." I batted my eyes again, this seemed like a blessing to be handed this poor excuse. He seemed to be buying it.

"Ah, I see. Well you shouldn't be wandering the palace like this Miss. Let me escort you back to your room." He smiled and motioned for me to follow him with his hand. I did as I was told.. I couldn't be caught, I held the books to myself and walked behind him, trying to seem normal.

He led me down to the kitchens and then down another flight of stairs which led to an open area with multiple doors.

"Here we are, Miss. Glad to have you here. Remember, it's not safe to wander the halls alone at night miss," He smiled and gave a nod of his head. I did the same and watched as he left the room, heading back up the stairs.

I turned to see a woman standing there in the small hallway with doors branching off in every direction.

"Who are you?" The older woman asked with her arms crossed. She didn't look mean, but she did sound rather stern.

"Uhm, I'm the new kitchen help." I tried to sound as confident as I could, She nodded.

"Alright then, off to bed with you. First door here." She said as she pointed to a wooden door on her left, my right. I scurried over and opened the door.

"We start early, so get right to sleep." She informed me. I nodded and went inside to find myself in a small room with a bed and a dresser. I sighed and got into the bed... how the hell was I going to find Ruby now? And now I'm posing as kitchen help? This is not a good day for me...


(Ruby's POV)

I arrived late to breakfast, thanks to Tae and his insatiable hunger for my body now that he knew it was changing, and the reason for it. I was glad he was happy, I was kind of happy too. Normally I think I would have freaked the fuck out and thrown a fit... but something about this felt so right and I was... well I was calm. Way more calm than I probably should have fucking been. Especially since the first thing I see when I enter the dinning room is Emerald in some new clothes, her hair tied back into a bun and she's cleaning up the empty plates of my brothers and sisters who sat here and enjoyed breakfast earlier.

"Em?" I asked in disbelief. She turned as soon as the first sound came out of my mouth. She scurried over to me, looking at me like she was both relieved and stressed out. I have no idea how the hell she was here, she should be in the library till we can figure all this out.

"Ruby," She immediately hugged me and I hugged her back. She pulled away quickly and smiled but looked at me with eyes that were in a panic.

"Em? What's going on? Why are you here cleaning up? And where did you get these clothes?" I kept asking. So many questions I wanted answers to yet I knew I might be overwhelming her.

"We need to talk.. not here. Um.. some place else." She said, with worry.

"Right, sure- How about the garden. Out there. You can get there from the kitchens just take your first right once you're outside and you'll be near the fountain. I'll meet you there." I gave her directions and she nodded.

"Okay. Five minutes." She replied. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some fruit that was already sliced up and put in a small bowl. I took it out to the fountain and picked up a piece, putting it in my mouth. I wasn't that hungry and I really liked the fruit.

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