Blood And Snow

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(Ruby's POV)

I was attempting to sleep when I heard her cry. Amethyst's shriek made me jolt up from my bed. I rushed to my door and yanked it open, Citrine and a few of the other girls were dashing down the hall to Ames's room. I rushed out, not giving two fucks if I closed my door. I ran up behind Citrine and Diamond who were standing in the doorway.

"Back up!" I heard Emerald shout. I rushed passed everyone, shoving my way through the small gathering. Once I got through there was Ames, laying on the ground with her arm cut open. She was crying and wincing in pain as I went right to her side. "Ruby." Em said as I got down beside Ames.

"What the hell happened?" I asked both of them.

"Ames and I were listening to music and talking, she said she'd been having trouble sleeping the last few weeks. She was insisting there was something outside her window, so I've been staying in her room at night with her." Em explained. "She wasn't wrong though... we were laying in her bed talking and laughing when suddenly her window opened and she was shoved off the bed and thrown into her mirror then dragged along the floor." Em recalled the events that happened, I looked around at the others.

"Alright, someone go get Lee. Don't bother the others or any of the guests staying here. Just relax alright, everything will be fine." I said, trying my best to be helpful. One by one they cleared out of the room. "You'll be okay Ames." I told her as I tried to see where she was hurt most. She was holding onto her right side, a few cuts peppered her right shoulder as well so I assumed that's the side she hit the mirror on.

"What happened?" Lee barged into the room with a concerned look on his face, and of course trouble with a capitol fucking T was right behind him.

"We were laying on the bed when the window opened and Ames was pushed from the bed all the way across to her mirror." Emerald recalled once again.

"I see. So it was someone outside?" Lee asked as he went to the window which was now closed. Lee opened it, the snow and wind came hurrying in and caused most of us to shiver.

"We didn't see anything, but Ames has been having trouble sleeping. She said she feels like she was watched, and swore she's seen something outside her window a few times over the past few weeks." Em informed Lee.

"Right, I'll go check outside with Taehyung." Lee said as he carefully lifted Ames up off the floor and set her down on her bed. Em and I returned to her side as Lee exited the room with Blue boy. My attention turned to her as Em and I started to look at her wounds.

"Ames, you're gonna have to move your hand so Em and I can make sure you're okay." I told Ames as she held onto that right side of hers. She looked at me with her tear filled eyes and nodded. Slowly she moved her hand down and we could see that she had a pretty large gash in her side, it even tore her nightshirt open.

"It h-hurts.... St-stings" Ames winced as she spoke. She looked tired, but I wasn't sure she should be sleeping since she did hit her head. Luckily she didn't get too bad of a cut on her head, but there was a small cut just above her hairline on her right side.

"We need a first aid kit, can you go get it Em?" I asked her and she nodded as she got up and dashed for the door.

"It's okay Ames, you're going to be fine." I tried to comfort her.

"Heh, I think... I think this is the nice-nicest you've been." I could tell she was holding back her laugh because it was painful. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Yeah, well... let's not get use to this right? I have a reputation of being the bulldog around here." I smirked at her as I replied and she smiled. Amethyst had the most genuinely sweet smile, like all her innocence just resided right there in her smile.

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